Human Rights and Gender Identity: Best Practice Catalogue

Human Rights and Gender Identity: Best Practice Catalogue is a civil society follow-up to the pioneering work of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, and his 2009 Issue Paper entitled Human Rights and Gender Identity.


Silvan Agius, Richard Köhler, Sophie Aujean, Julia Ehrt

See also


European court hears landmark case on trans rights in Hungary

The Court of Justice of the European Union held a significant hearing today concerning legal gender recognition for trans people in Hungary Today, the Court […]
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Joint Statement on the Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy 2024-2029

The Strategy includes a clearly intersectional approach that explicitly includes discriminations based on sex and gender and SOGIESC grounds, especially LBTI women. It also contains […]
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A new roadmap for advancing the human rights of trans and non-binary people

A brand new Issue Paper from the Council of Europe on Human Rights and Gender Identity and Expression not only sheds light on the challenges […]
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Call for applications: Council of Europe Committee of Ministers Recommendation (2010)5 comprehensive review, 2024

The Council of Europe will, in 2024, conduct a third comprehensive review of the Committee of Ministers Recommendation (2010)5 (CM/Rec(2010)5). The CM/Rec(2010)5 was previously reviewed […]
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How a landmark new recommendation will help better protect LGBTI people in Europe

Intersex people’s rights, legal gender recognition without abusive requirements, the exploration of non-binary markers and bans on conversion practices are at the centre of the first-ever general policy recommendation focusing on LGBTI people’s rights to come from the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, which is part of the Council of Europe. Keep reading to discover how this will help protect and improve the lives of LGBTI people, and how queer activists can use it in their work.
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Progress in Legal Gender Recognition measures is slow, Council of Europe report says

Depathologisation, family rights and access to legal gender recognition for minors are among the key steps that national governments must take to advance the rights of trans people, according to a new Council of Europe report.
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Strong fundamental rights framework must be part of the next strategic agenda for the EU

Open Letter to the European Council regarding the EU’s strategic agenda for 2019-2024: Strong fundamental rights framework must be part of the next strategic agenda for […]
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Monumental shift in global health for trans and gender diverse people

Today, after nearly a decade of efforts from trans and gender diverse activists and organisations, and their allies, the World Health Assembly approved the newest update to the […]
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Swiss Senate votes to improve protection on grounds of sexual orientation but not gender identity

On 28 November 2018, the swiss Senate of voted to criminalise hate speech and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation, but refused to do the […]
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Second Review of The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe Recommendation on LGBT Rights – 2018

Agreed unanimously by the 47 Council of Europe member states, it was the first and only agreement between governments to combat discrimination against LGBT people […]
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Non-binary gender registration models in Europe

The aim of this report is to provide an overview of the different legal gender registration models which somehow cause a break in the static […]
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A missed opportunity to recognise self-determination in Germany

On 15 August, the Federal Government of germany adopted a draft bill on a third gender option. This bill is a missed opportunity to recognise […]
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Istanbul Convention: We achieved a lot together and we will not stop there!

Nine European umbrella civil society organisations – including ILGA-Europe – have written to Thorbjorn Jagland (CoE Secretary General) on why the Istanbul Convention is still […]
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Case Law

Solmaz v. Turkey

Discrimination on the ground of gender identity
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Call for proposals – Review of the implementation of the Council of Europe Recommendation on LGBT Rights

Deadline for applications: 5 February 2018, 18:00 CET/this call is closed. ILGA-Europe is announcing a call for proposals to support the second round of review […]
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First Review of The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe Recommendation on LGBT Rights – 2013

Agreed unanimously by the 47 Council of Europe member states, it was the first and only agreement between governments to combat discrimination against LGBT people […]
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Forced Out: LGBT People in Georgia

This joint ILGA-Europe and COC report is the first of its kind to be published about same-sex relationships and LGBT people in Georgia. It explores identities, […]
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Forced Out: LGBT People in Azerbaijan

This joint ILGA-Europe and COC report is the first of its kind to be published about same-sex relationships and LGBT people in Azerbaijan. It explores […]
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