Our Latest Call for Project Applications: Video Explanations

What’s it all about? Who can apply? What will our new programme supporting groups and organisations who work on socio-economic justice for racialised LGBTI communities look like? Watch our short video guides below to find out more!

What kinds of organisations can apply?

What do we mean when we say ‘racialised’?

What types of work can you apply for support for?

What happens when you are part of the programme?

Any more questions?

If you have any questions in the preparation of your project proposal please submit them via e-mail to grants@ilga-europe.org

We will answer all of your questions via e-mail and then publish answers on https://www.ilga-europe.org/news/no-one-left-behind/ on 27 February and on 23 March, in order to share the information among all applicants.

The closing deadline is 2 April 2023, Sunday, 23:59 CEST.

See also


Remarkable and resilient Prides across Europe

Amid political turmoil, war, social issues and cultural changes, Pride celebrations in Europe continue to demonstrate the resilience and determination of LGBTI communities Today, on […]
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The Frontline: Intersectionality in the LGBTI movement

Intersectionality is a buzzword that’s often used, but what is true intersectionality and how do we fold it into the work of the LGBTI activist […]
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6 ways ILGA-Europe practice intersectionality

Over the past decade, ILGA-Europe has embarked on a learning journey to become an organisation that genuinely adopts an intersectional approach in all its work. […]
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Roma and LGBTI: A spotlight on lived experiences

Today, as we mark International Roma Day, we celebrate a diversity of voices within the Roma LGBTI community, revealing the resilience, strength, and beauty of […]
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Future visions: 7 LGBTI groups working for racial justice and equity

In this blog, marking International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, seven of our partner organisations share their aspirations, visions, and messages for the […]
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Call for project proposals working with racialised LGBTI communities

Why we launch this call Last year, ILGA-Europe launched a new programme focused on work done by and for racialised LGBTI communities. With this call, […]
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Intersections: The LGBTI II Survey – Persons with Disabilities Analysis

Disaggregated data, which can look deeply into the lived experiences of marginalised people, is a key demand of LGBTI and other human rights groups. With […]
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Call for applications: Council of Europe Committee of Ministers Recommendation (2010)5 comprehensive review, 2024

The Council of Europe will, in 2024, conduct a third comprehensive review of the Committee of Ministers Recommendation (2010)5 (CM/Rec(2010)5). The CM/Rec(2010)5 was previously reviewed […]
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Intersections: The LGBTI II Survey – Bisexuals Analysis

Disaggregated data, which can look deeply into the lived experiences of marginalised people, is a key demand of LGBTI and other human rights groups. With […]
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Intersections: The LGBTI II Survey – Migrant and Racial, Ethnic and Religious Minorities Analysis

Disaggregated data, which can look deeply into the lived experiences of marginalised people, is a key demand of LGBTI and other human rights groups. With […]
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Intersections: The LGBTI II Survey – Trans and Non-binary Analysis

Disaggregated data, which can look deeply into the lived experiences of marginalised people, is a key demand of LGBTI and other human rights groups. With […]
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Overview of ILGA-Europe’s Finances in 2022

In the financial year 2022 ILGA-Europe obtained and recognized 3 687 082 € in revenues, which is approx. an 11% (over 365 000 €) increase […]
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Bringing change in turbulent times: A call for applications for LGBTI groups in Poland

What is this programme about and why are we launching it? ILGA-Europe invites applications from LGBTI organisations and groups in Poland that see a concrete […]
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Intersections: The LGBTI II Survey – Intersex Analysis

Disaggregated data, which can look deeply into the lived experiences of marginalised people, is a key demand of LGBTI and other human rights groups. With […]
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Intersections: The LGBTI II Survey – Older People Analysis

Disaggregated data, which can look deeply into the lived experiences of marginalised people, is a key demand of LGBTI and other human rights groups. With […]
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Call for project proposals: Addressing LGBTI homelessness in the EU

Why we are launching this programme In 2020, the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) released a survey that estimates that one in five members of the […]
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Intersections: The LGBTI II Survey Analysis project

Disaggregated data, which can look deeply into the lived experiences of marginalised people, is a key demand of LGBTI and other human rights groups. With […]
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New Call for Applications for Projects Working with Racialised LGBTI Communities

Why we are launching this programme Currently, the LGBTI movement across Europe operates in an increasingly hostile environment that directly affects the lives of LGBTI […]
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Intersections: The LGBTI II Survey – Youth Analysis

Disaggregated data, which can look deeply into the lived experiences of marginalised people, is a key demand of LGBTI and other human rights groups. With […]
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New funding program for data-collection on violence in Europe and Central Asia

ILGA-Europe invites organisations and initiative groups from the region of Europe and Central Asia to join our program aimed to support the LGBTI movement in […]
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Intersections: The LGBTI II Survey – Lesbians Analysis

Disaggregated data, which can look deeply into the lived experiences of marginalised people, is a key demand of LGBTI and other human rights groups. With […]
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#BiVisibilityDay 2022: Discrimination and bi people at the intersections

In our analysis of the data from the largest LGBTI survey carried in Europe, we’ve found that bi people, particularly those with intersecting identities, experience discrimination in large numbers.
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The Frontline: Working Alongside Businesses to Shift Attitudes

We’re looking at this through the lens of one very successful partnership and campaign, between Mermaids, a UK organisation helping trans, nonbinary and gender diverse […]
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The Frontline: How Businesses Can Support LGBTI Equality

In this, the second episode of our new mini-series exploring the opportunities and challenges that come with businesses supporting LGBTI equality, we’re taking a closer look […]
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The Frontline: Making the Business Case for LGBTI Equality

Over the past few years, more and more companies have been engaging with LGBTI rights and equality, from putting inclusive employment policies in place, to […]
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The Frontline: The Private Sector and LGBTI Equality – Mini-series Introduction

With the war in Ukraine and the Russian threat to democracy it has intensified, now more than ever we need to be working together across […]
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Call for proposals: Supporting strong communications by LGBTI organisations

Over the coming three years, ILGA-Europe will do this through different activities, including financial support and consultancy to build strong communications abilities, grants to support […]
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A Marathon, not a sprint: how we’re responding to the invasion of Ukraine

In the past week, since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, the global response has been massive, alongside a great number of organisations working with […]
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Support for LGBTI People in Ukraine

As is the world, at ILGA-Europe we are continually assessing the rapidly developing situation in Ukraine and the region, and in particular for LGBTI people.  […]
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As often well-funded right-wing forces rise, one in three LGBTI organisations operate on less than 55 euro a day

ILGA-Europe’s latest report shows that one in three LGBTI organisations in Europe and Central Asia are working with a budget under 20,000 euro per year ­– that’s just under 55 euro a day — all the while facing and responding to the rise of often well-funded anti-LGBTI forces and their effect on people’s daily lives. And that’s just a small part of the bigger picture.
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