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Joint Statement: Human rights groups regret outcome of European Court ruling on France’s criminalisation policies in relation to sex work

On 25 July, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled in M.A. and Others v. France that there has been no violation of Article […]
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Who was at the ILGA-Europe Equality Fundraiser?

A night of celebration and solidarity brought together a diverse array of supporters committed to advancing LGBTI human rights On 4 July 2024, Brussels was […]
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Trans woman should have been allowed access to hormone therapy in prison, says European Court

The European Court of Human Rights has found that Poland violated Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, protecting the right to private […]
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Joint statement: Paving the way for an equality-centred policy cycle

Along with 140 civil society organisations across the EU, we are calling on EU leaders to include equality & non-discrimination as central priorities in the […]
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What European countries might soon start recognising non-binary people?

Interested in the current state of non-binary rights in Europe? This concise guide covers the most important updates and developments you should be aware of […]
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Joint Statement welcoming CJEU Advocate General on collection of gender binary civil titles

ILGA-Europe, TGEU and Association Mousse welcome the opinion of the Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union confirming that the French […]
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Joint Statement welcoming European Court ruling that Russia’s trans parent’s foster-care termination violates family rights

In a judgement published yesterday, the European Court of Human Rights found that Russia violated the right to private and family life of a trans […]
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The fight against Georgia’s foreign agent law and anti-LGBTI legislation

In the face of rising authoritarianism, Georgia’s civil society and LGBTI community are battling draconian laws inspired by Russia, threatening their democratic rights and freedoms […]
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Joint Statement: European Court confirms requirement for legal gender recognition in Bulgaria despite rejected complaint

TGEU, ILGA-Europe, Bilitis, and the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee welcome the European Court of Human Rights’ confirmation of Bulgaria’s obligation to provide for reliable legal gender […]
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Remarkable and resilient Prides across Europe

Amid political turmoil, war, social issues and cultural changes, Pride celebrations in Europe continue to demonstrate the resilience and determination of LGBTI communities Today, on […]
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Strengthening security for LGBTI activism

In the work of activism, facing organised opposition and unexpected security challenges is increasingly common. To support you, we’re offering a series of webinars this […]
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Joint Letter: Germany urgently needs to finally allow EU to continue closing gaps on anti-discrimination with racism, xenophobia, LGBTI-phobia and sexism on the rise

The following open letter has been jointly sent to the German government by ILGA-Europe, the European Network Against Racism, European Disability Forum and Age Platform […]
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The Frontline: Intersectionality in the LGBTI movement

Intersectionality is a buzzword that’s often used, but what is true intersectionality and how do we fold it into the work of the LGBTI activist […]
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6 ways ILGA-Europe practice intersectionality

Over the past decade, ILGA-Europe has embarked on a learning journey to become an organisation that genuinely adopts an intersectional approach in all its work. […]
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EU Election results: The challenges & opportunities

Today we dive into the mixed results of the European Elections, the shift to the far right in national elections, and the potential impact of […]
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What the EU Election Results Will Mean for LGBTI Human Rights

Although the swing to the far right predicted in the European elections hasn’t been as radical as expected, with the progressive and centre-right still holding […]
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The intersecting consequences of a possible far-right vote in the European elections

As the European elections approach, the polls predict a significant shift towards the far-right. This anticipated surge reflects a broader trend of increasing nationalism across […]
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Letter to political leaders: Hate and violence against LGBTI people in Italy

ILGA-Europe and Italian LGBTI organisations sent an open letter to Italian party leaders calling for support to the Come Out For Europe campaign and counter […]
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Joint Statement: Milestone for trans and intersex rights in Europe

ILGA-Europe, TGEU, OII Europe, IGLYO and EL*C jointly welcome the inclusion of SOGIGESC grounds in new EU Directive on minimum standards for equality bodies On […]
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European court hears landmark case on trans rights in Hungary

The Court of Justice of the European Union held a significant hearing today concerning legal gender recognition for trans people in Hungary Today, the Court […]
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Press Release

EU Elections Candidates Across Europe Are Vowing to Support LGBTI Human Rights

As voters get ready to go to the polls in the European Elections, over a thousand candidates across Europe have pledged to protect and advance […]
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