COVID-19: Keeping LGBTI communities together

Many countries have surpassed the peak of the COVID-19 crisis and are beginning to plan phased-out endings of their lockdowns. But we’re not out of the woods yet, and if numbers of coronavirus cases start rising again, lockdown measures are most likely to be extended or reinstated, as was seen in Singapore. In a webinar presented by ILGA-Europe earlier this month, participants shared the activities and strategies their organisations have used to stay connected while confined to their houses.

Coffee on Zoom or brunch on Facetime? Following an online course together or watching a movie? For the past two or three months, LGBTI organisations have been exploring a plethora of different ways of staying connected, while providing support to their communities.

As part of ILGA-Europe’s ‘Protect, Adapt, and Rally’ three-part plan to support the LGBTI movement through the COVID-19 crisis, our webinar on Community Organising provided a space to share ideas and opinions on how to continue staying in touch, and how activists have been helping their communities and vulnerable individuals during these challenging times. Here are some of the activities our participants became involved in:

1. Individual and Community Support

  • Providing antiretroviral therapy (ART) to LGBTI living with HIV.
  • Creating an online peer group to provide psychological support.
  • Offering online psychological support with a psychotherapist available at no cost.
  • Phone and WhatsApp campaigns with volunteers offering psychological and legal support.
  • Running a food provision service for trans sex workers who are unable to work.
  • Creating a Facebook support group to provide information on national activities, on and offline.
  • Providing online materials about COVID-19 and social distancing for LGBTI youth.

2. Coming Together

  • Setting up a penpal network.
  • Setting up online support groups for trans people and parents of LGBT people.
  • Collaboration with other organisations
  • Hosting social media live events (Facebook, Instagram) to offer a platform to members of the community.
  • Virtual Coffee Lottery via Zoom, a virtual social occasion where participants are randomly paired for an online coffee meet-up
  • A ‘Queerentine’ online hangout for the community to discuss various issues.

3. Fun and Entertainment

  • Online meetings with LGBTI groups to play games and chat.
  • Volunteering to walk with a member of the community, while socially distancing.
  • Sending out newsletters with recommended activities that are accessible online, such as LGBTI events, books and movies.
  • Formal and informal group meetings on social media platforms to discuss ideas on the use of time; how to be ‘sexually self-sustainable’ during quarantine; entertainment opportunities etc.
  • Online yoga classes
  • A charity concert for supporters, providing online space for young queer and ally artists.

Want more? Watch now our webinar on how to continue reaching out to LGBTI during COVID-19 crisis.

In this episode of our series of community organising webinars, we shared stories of how activists maintained their outreach work during lockdown and social distancing requirements across Europe and Central Asia.

What have we learned in supporting our communities as the crisis continues to persist?

On 5 June 2020, ILGA-Europe organised a webinar on how to continue reaching out to LGBTI during COVID-19 crisis.

See also


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The 5 trending attacks on the fundamental rights of LGBTI people in the EU in 2021

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Press Release

Rising challenges for LGBTI organisations in Europe and Central Asia, new report finds

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5 profound lessons we learned from working with disabled LGBTI activists and organisations

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The frontline: Navigating Change as an LGBTI Activist

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The Frontline: Empowering LGBTI Activists in a Changing World

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The Frontline: The LGBTI Activist Wellbeing Challenge

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The frontline: How LGBTI Activism Can Be Supported

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Join our webinar on community organising for older LGBTI persons

We invite LGBTI organisations, groups and activists involved in community organising to participate in our webinar on ‘Community organising for older LGBTI persons’ on Friday, October 1 at 11 AM (CEST).
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What Pride Reminds: How anti-gender forces and blocks to progress on HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia are intertwined

In moments like these, where even our former allies are using us to advance their own political goals, pride and its value become ever clearer.
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The shocking truth about LGBTI asylum seekers living through COVID-19 in Europe

The COVID-19 pandemic and the political responses to it have hit already beleaguered LGBTI asylum seekers in Europe particularly hard. We report on the alarming impact.
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#SexWork in Europe: “We are still asking for the basic things: housing, work, and respect for our identities”

To mark #InternationalSexWorkersDay on June 2, we talked to Sabrina Sánchez, trans migrant sex worker based in Spain, on her journey, the pandemic and why sex workers rights are central to the LGBTI movement.
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Join The Hub, ILGA-Europe’s free Resource Sharing Centre for LGBTI activists in Europe and Central Asia

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How to build a fairer, healthier world during a global pandemic

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The Frontline: LGBTI communities in Europe: Pushed to the brink

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No One Left Behind: A Fund to tackle LGBTI socioeconomic inequalities

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COVID-19 in marginalised groups: challenges, actions and voices

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The seven ways COVID-19 has hugely impacted LGBTI people

“While the Coronavirus does not discriminate, it has hit vulnerable communities disproportionately harder.” This is the conclusion of ILGA-Europe’s rapid assessment report on the impacts of COVID-19 on LGBTI people, organisations, and communities in Europe and Central Asia. In this blog, ILGA-Europe’s policy team share the seven main areas of life in which COVID-19 has specifically impacted LGBTI people.
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COVID-19 impacts on LGBTI communities in Europe and Central Asia: A rapid assessment report

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COVID-19 and digital security: How to organise safe Prides online?

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COVID-19: Tips for Online Management of Financial Resources for LGBTI Organisations

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States’ Positive Obligations Under International Human Rights Law During The Coronavirus Outbreak

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Obligations Of States In The field Of Human Rights In The Context Of Covid-19

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