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ILGA-Europe’s Annual Review finds that LGBTI people and communities have been pushed to the brink

The ILGA-Europe Annual Review of the Human Rights Situation for LGBTI People in Europe and Central Asia contains a stark message that progress which has been taken for granted is not only increasingly fragile, but particularly vulnerable to exploitation by anti-human rights forces. Read on for our 10 key findings.
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LGBTI activists create a Twitter storm for EU infringement procedures against Poland over so called ‘LGBT-free Zones’

ILGA-Europe launched an-hour long Twitter Storm demonstration on February 11, calling on the European Commission to take infringement procedures against Poland, making the Polish-based hashtag #infringementNOW trend
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The shocking state of LGBTI children’s rights in Europe

We expect all children to be protected from violence and discrimination, and to have access to appropriate legal protection, but in the EU the truth is far from this case, and LGBTI children are particularly vulnerable. Here’s why.
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“If You Are Parent in One Country, You Are Parent in Every Country”: But still today a child can be stateless in the EU just because it has two mothers

A baby born to two mothers, one from Gibraltar and one from Bulgaria, has become a test case at the European Court of Justice for the freedom of movement of rainbow families in the EU. Read on and find out how to join our campaign for parents without borders!
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“It feels as if we’re trapped with our abusers.” Ukrainian activist Anna Sharyhina tells the story of unhindered anti-LGBTI abuse in Kharkiv

Throughout 2020, LGBTI activists have been harassed, intimidated and threatened by well-known far right groups in Ukraine, while police and local authorities turn a blind eye. Here is activist Anna Sharyhina’s alarming story, and how you can lend her and other LGBTI Ukrainian activists your support.
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Turkey’s shocking Pride March trial: The story so far

18 students and one academic face up to three years imprisonment in Turkey, should a judgement be made against them on December 10. The charges? Participating in a Pride march. Here’s the story so far, and how you can stand up for the METU 19.
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Why knowing your HIV status is good for your health and wellbeing

For different reasons, many sexually active people don’t want to know whether they are HIV positive or not. They don’t want to even think about it. But if you do know what your status is, one way or the other, you will be making a positive difference to your life. Here’s why…
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Trans Day of Remembrance 2020: Honoring the 350 lives cut short this year

Every November 20, on Trans Day of Remembrance (TDoR), we remember those whose lives have been taken away through transphobic violence. This year’s Trans Murder Monitoring report from Transgender Europe shows the highest number of annual killings since the report was first published 12 years ago.
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The EU LGBTIQ Strategy at a glance

Yesterday, 12 November 2020, EU Vice-President Jourova and Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli launched the first EU LGBTIQ Strategy 2020–2025, marking a significant step forward for the European Commission in protecting and ensuring LGBTI rights. We’ve read through it, and here’s an easy-read version.
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An evolving movement: What we learned from Europe’s largest LGBTI Gathering

The virtual replacement for ILGA-Europe’s annual conference, The Gathering Online 2020, was the largest coming together of LGBTI activists from across Europe and Central Asia since Covid-19 began, and a new collective agenda became fully apparent. ILGA-Europe’s Executive Director, Evelyne Paradis, reflects on a ground-breaking experience.
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M/F/X/Other: 6 countries pushing for non-binary registration in Europe

At the end of September, we welcomed a step forward towards non-binary gender recognition in Greece. Do you know what non-binary genders can be registered in Europe? In this blog, we showcase five countries allowing the registration of gender markers other than male or female, or using no gender markers at all in their official documentation.
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Mental Health: Dealing With Stress as an LGBTI activist

2020 has drastically altered our daily lives and as an activist it’s easy to put your mental health and wellbeing on the back burner, while you get on with other hugely pressing priorities. On top of this, LGBTI activists can suffer from particular mental health stresses that stream from discrimination, LGBTIphobia, and the uphill battle that working to secure our rights and equality can be. To mark World Mental Health Day, this blog brings you some tools to help you cope with challenges that come your way.
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Podcast: What’s it like being LGBTI in Poland in 2020?

Poland has reached a dangerous boiling point in its state-driven discrimination against LGBTI people. The first episode of ILGA-Europe’s podcast, The Frontline, goes behind the scenes to talk about a way forward for LGBTI activism in the country. Here’s what it’s all about…
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No One Left Behind: A Fund to tackle LGBTI socioeconomic inequalities

Early in June, ILGA-Europe launched the ‘No One Left Behind’ fund, an initiative to tackle persisting socioeconomic inequalities that have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis. Read on to find out what it is, why we launched it and how we went about awarding 25 grants.
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Poland’s Anti-LGBT Hate Timeline

We have created and will be updating this abbreviated timeline of what’s been happening over the past two years with the rise of official homophobia and transphobia.
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“Knowledge is Power!” Cyndi Lauper Shows her true colors on LGBTIQ youth homelessness

“We need your help to change the lives of LGBTIQ homeless young people,” says superstar Cyndi Lauper in an exclusive interview about how her organisation, True Colors United, is teaming up with ILGA-Europe to tackle the unacceptable problem of LGBTIQ youth homelessness in Europe.
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LGBTIQ and Homeless: One Young Person’s Story

Young LGBTIQ people are being made homeless every day in Europe. To tie in with our survey for LGBTIQ organisations about their experience of youth homelessness, a young person from Slovenia tells their story of self-discovery, and how bullying in their family forced them to run away.
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How you can help persecuted Russian LGBT+
activist, Yulia Tsvetkova

By the end of 2018, at the age of 25, Yulia Tsvetkova had already made some of herdreams come true: opening a theatre for kids, […]
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The seven ways COVID-19 has hugely impacted LGBTI people

“While the Coronavirus does not discriminate, it has hit vulnerable communities disproportionately harder.” This is the conclusion of ILGA-Europe’s rapid assessment report on the impacts of COVID-19 on LGBTI people, organisations, and communities in Europe and Central Asia. In this blog, ILGA-Europe’s policy team share the seven main areas of life in which COVID-19 has specifically impacted LGBTI people.
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The best moments of the European Equality Gala Online

Because we couldn’t gather in Brussels this year for ILGA-Europe’s annual Gala celebration, we decided to hold a virtual event instead. The boost that right-wing forces have been given by the COVID-19 pandemic, along with the enormous impact of the crisis on individuals the LGBTI community, makes the work ILGA-Europe does for profound change through inclusive activism more important than ever. Here’s what happened at our first ever European Equality Gala Online…
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COVID-19 and digital security: How to organise safe Prides online?

This year, Pride Month will be like no other. Despite the current challenges, it remains as the opportunity of coming together for equality and celebrating our diversity. Many organisations are getting ready for this important month of visibility by organising digital events. Are you wondering how your organisation can prevent possible attacks online this month? ILGA-Europe Programmes & Policy team shared some possible scenarios and tips for you!
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