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5 things you can do to respond to the anti-gender discourse

Over the past few years in Europe and some other parts of the world, we have seen the rise of the ‘anti-gender’ movement, with opposition to LGBTI rights centralised around so-called “gender ideology”.
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How to be a great intersex ally

Even within the LGBTI community, intersex people continue to be overlooked, and that’s something we urgently need to change. Here are our top tips for getting on the right page and supporting the human rights of intersex people!
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The inspirational voices of LGBTI activism

Watch our video interview with passionate intersex activist, Audrey Aegerter of InterAction Suisse, the first of our ILGA-Europe members from across Europe and Central Asia who talked to us about the great work they’re doing.
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6 things you should know when LGBTI community organising

Are you an LGBTI activist who will be empowering your community as an organiser in 2020? Here are some key ways to make sure you get it right!
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Stronger together as LGBTI activists: What I learned from the ILGA-Europe Conference, Prague 2019

Stronger Together… what did this year’s ILGA-Europe conference theme mean to the 600 LGBTI activist participants who came to Prague in October? And if it is true that we are stronger together, how can we make it happen even more? Our conference reporter and former Executive Director of ILGA-Europe, Patricia Prendiville shares her thoughts, while alongside we share some of the wonderful images documenting this year’s gathering.
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If the New Finnish Prime Minister, Sanna Marin’s Childhood is Anything To Go By, She’s Going to be an Able Match for the Far-Right

Raised in a rainbow family, 34-year-old Sanna Marin will lead a five-party coalition headed entirely by women in Finland. Her experience growing up with same-sex parents will shape her tenure as Finland’s youngest Prime Minister ever.
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7 Practical Takeaways from the First ILGA-Europe Gathering of D/deaf and Disabled LGBTI Activists

We put a lot of thought and work into preparing for our first gathering of D/deaf and disabled LGBTI activists in Brussels, but during the […]
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#DisRainbow: What We Learned from the First ILGA-Europe Gathering of D/deaf and Disabled LGBTI Activists

Valeria Santostefano is ILGA-Europe’s Senior Programmes & Policy Officer who organised the gathering in November and shared her thoughts on this blog. An exciting two-day event […]
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Together we can make the Coman judgment a reality: the freedom of movement of same-sex couples across the EU

Do you know when EU citizens started to have the right to free movement across the European Union (EU), i.e. the right to live and […]
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Why we have a new policy on LGBTI sex work

Evelyne Paradis, ILGA-Europe Executive Director “Educate yourself.” That is one of the very first things that anyone who wants to get involved in activism is advised […]
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