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Greece adopts historic bill introducing marriage equality

We welcome and celebrate with local activists the news that the Greek parliament has adopted an historic bill introducing marriage equality, granting marriage and adoption […]
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Call for project proposals working with racialised LGBTI communities

Why we launch this call Last year, ILGA-Europe launched a new programme focused on work done by and for racialised LGBTI communities. With this call, […]
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Poland must ensure that same-sex couples are legally recognised, European Court rules

The European Court of Human Rights has issued a judgement against Poland in a case taken by five same-sex couples in the country, seeking to […]
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ILGA-Europe’s statement on the Russian Supreme Court banning ‘the International LGBT movement” as extremist

Today, Russia’s Supreme Court banned what it called the “international LGBT public movement” as extremist. The LGBTI movement’s activities within Russia were said to “incite […]
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Effective campaigns in support of LGBTI rights: How to avoid instrumentalisation and communicate without playing into polarisation?

All over Europe and Central Asia, LGBTI people are used by different political payers to gain the power. Our opponents create and feed harmful and […]
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Today, November 20, we celebrate UN World Children’s Day, and feel compelled to draw attention to the recent developments in Italy where some children no […]
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Call for applications: Council of Europe Committee of Ministers Recommendation (2010)5 comprehensive review, 2024

The Council of Europe will, in 2024, conduct a third comprehensive review of the Committee of Ministers Recommendation (2010)5 (CM/Rec(2010)5). The CM/Rec(2010)5 was previously reviewed […]
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Joint statement: Respect LGBTI+ rights in EU-Türkiye relations

Today, alongside five other international human rights organisations, we demand that the EU takes specific steps to ensure respect for the human rights of LGBTI […]
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Open letter of the European Coalition on Sex Workers’ Rights and Inclusion to Members of the European Parliament Re: Prostitution Report

We call on the members of the European Parliament to reject the “Prostitution Report”. The criminalisation of any aspect of sex work further compromises vulnerable […]
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Significant European Court judgments in two cases concerning violence against LGBTI people involving state agents

Two successful European Court cases brought against Russia underline state obligations to protect LGBTI community from violent counter demonstrators and general hate motivated violence.
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Statement: Kyrgyzstan targets LGBTI communities in a new law

ILGA-Europe expresses solidarity and stands with LGBTI organisations and communities in Kyrgyzstan as the country’s President signed into law a discriminatory provision banning dissemination of information about LGBTI people, rights, and identities among minors.
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New Executive Director for ILGA-Europe appointed

After a detailed recruitment process, the board of ILGA-Europe have announced the organisation’s new Executive Director. The board of ILGA-Europe have announced that Chaber, a […]
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Skills Boost: Media interview practice

Register here to join us at 12:00 noon CEST, Tuesday 5 September for a Skills Boost session specifically designed for LGBTI activists to prepare for […]
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New draft law in Hungary seeks to exculde trans women from pension benefits

Dear President of the European Commission, We are writing concerning the recent introduction of a new bill in the Hungarian Parliament to further curtail the […]
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Statement on today’s vote to ban legal gender recognition in Russia

ILGA-Europe issue this public statement to express our support to and solidarity with trans and gender diverse people in Russia in the light of the […]
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2040 Looking back: Future Activism Interviews

Have a look at ILGA-Europe’s zine of ‘speculative futures’ interviews, set in the year 2040, with powerful LGBTI activists from across the region.
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Romania failed to protect same-sex couples, European court rules

European court has found that Romania breached the right to respect for the family life of 21 same-sex Romanian couples by failing to recognise their relationships.
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Bringing change in turbulent times: A call for applications for LGBTI groups in Poland

What is this programme about and why are we launching it? ILGA-Europe invites applications from LGBTI organisations and groups in Poland that see a concrete […]
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Skills Boost: Data visualisation for LGBTI communication

First session This will be a beginner-friendly 60-minute session focusing on creating simple graphics using data from the freshly launched ILGA-Europe 2023 Rainbow Map and […]
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Call to criminalise intersex genital mutilation in the EU

ILGA-Europe are urging the EU to criminalise the practice of IGM against intersex people, particularly intersex women and girls, as part of the proposal for […]
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Our Executive Director Leaving: ILGA-Europe Board’s Response

“Although we are deeply sad that we will have to say goodbye to Evelyne, her departure will also present an opportunity, both for the organisation […]
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