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Hungary to be Brought Before Top EU Court For its Ban on LGBTI Content

The European Commission has referred Hungary to the CJEU over discriminatory amendments adopted in June 2021, which ban the “portrayal and the promotion of gender […]
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Joint statement on Protecting Abortion Access in Europe

AS the decision by the United States Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, thereby dismantling the US constitutional right to abortion, ILGA-europe joins the center […]
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Complaint Filed with EC Against Lack of Free Movement for Same-sex Couples in Hungary

ILGA-Europe, alongside a Hungarian activist organisation, have filed a complaint against Hungary because of its refusal to implement the 2018 Coman judgement, which recognises that […]
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Polish public broadcaster TP in EU Court for Discrimination Against Self-employed LGBTI Person

Today, the case of J.K. vs the Polish public broadcasting company TP, in which the applicant is seeking compensation for the discontinuation of his freelance […]
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Joint committment to LGBTI people in and fleeing Ukraine

On May 17, UNAIDS and ILGA-Europe co-hosted an event to mark IDAHOBIT. Panellists addressed the existing gaps within the humanitarian response in the context of the war in Ukraine, and concluded with recommendations and commitment to better protect the human rights of LGBTIQ+ people staying in Ukraine or who have left.
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Bulgarian Court Rules Baby Sara Must Be Issued Birth Certificate

A Bulgarian court has ordered city hall authorities in the capital city of Sofia to issue a birth certificate to the baby born to a […]
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European Court Rules Against Armenia Inaction in Anti-LGBTI Hate Crime Case

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that authorities in Armenia failed to protect an LGBT bar owner and activist from homophobic physical and verbal […]
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IDAHOBIT 2022: Rights of LGBTQI+ people in and from Ukraine

On the occasion of IDAHOBIT, ilga-eUROPE and UNAIDS are hosting an event focusing on the rights of LGBTIQ+ people in and from Ukraine.
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Call for proposals: Supporting strong communications by LGBTI organisations

Over the coming three years, ILGA-Europe will do this through different activities, including financial support and consultancy to build strong communications abilities, grants to support […]
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Anti-LGBT Hungarian Referendum is in Bad Faith, says ILGA-Europe

A referendum to be held this coming Sunday during the Hungarian general elections carefully designed to force voters into siding with the current ruling party, […]
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Contacts if you are an LGBTI person fleeing Ukraine

If you are LGBTI who fled the war and need help, this is who you can contact Belgium: Rainbow House Brussels: http://rainbowhouse.be/en/about-us/ Czechia: Email hotline: help@praguepride.com Czech […]
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European Commission and Council should refrain from approving recovery funds to the governments of Poland and Hungary

An Urgent call on the European Commission and the Council of europe to refrain from approving recovery funds to the governments of Poland and Hungary, […]
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Support for LGBTI People in Ukraine

As is the world, at ILGA-Europe we are continually assessing the rapidly developing situation in Ukraine and the region, and in particular for LGBTI people.  […]
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EU Enlargement Countries Called on to Urgently Ensure Protection of the Human Rights of LGBTI People

Published today, ILGA-Europe’s Annual Enlargement Review urgently calls on all EU enlargement countries to properly implement their anti-discrimination, hate crime and hate speech legal frameworks, in the context of rising anti-gender, anti-rights and far-right groups.
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EU Ministers must act on the serious breach of EU’s rule of law and values in Poland

While Poland keeps attacking LGBTI people and their rights, ILGA-Europe have signed a joint letter along with 86 other NGOs asking EU Ministers to take action.
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Join our next Skills Boost session on making graphics with free tools and no design skills

Do you want to make better use of graphic design in your LGBTI activism?
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Commission includes LGBTI people in initiative to tackle hate crime and hate speech across the European Union

The European Commission has put forward a legal initiative to extend the list of EU crimes to include hate speech, both online and offline, and hate crime, with clear understanding that LGBTI people must be protected.
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Open letter to President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen

ILGA-Europe,  OII Europe, and TGEU urge the European Commission to acknowledge the existing prevalence of the violence and incitement to discrimination against LGBTI people, through naming SOGIGESC explicitly as protected grounds in the upcoming EU-level hate crime and hate speech legal initiative.
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Turkey acquits 19 LGBTI+ Pride marchers, honouring fundamental human rights, domestic law, and international commitments

Leading European LGBTI rights organisation, ILGA-Europe welcomes the decision of a Turkish court to acquit 19 activists, who were charged with “unlawful assembly” for their […]
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Joint Statement: METU Pride human rights defenders must be acquitted at upcoming trial

On 8 October at 10:00 GMT+3, 19 LGBTI+ human rights defenders will return to court for what is expected to be the final hearing in the unfair trial they faced for organising and participating in a peaceful Pride march on the campus of Ankara’s Middle East Technical University (METU) on 10 May 2019.
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Join our webinar on community organising for older LGBTI persons

We invite LGBTI organisations, groups and activists involved in community organising to participate in our webinar on ‘Community organising for older LGBTI persons’ on Friday, October 1 at 11 AM (CEST).
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