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European Court rules in favour of the best interest of the child in same-sex custody case

The European Court of Human rights has ruled that the refusing a mother custody of her youngest child on the grounds of her sexual orientation to be discriminatory and a violation of her right to private and family life.
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Joint Statement: Current priorities for an EU response to the situation in Afghanistan

As European NGOs working on asylum and migration and Afghan Diaspora organisations in Europe, we are alarmed about the situation in Afghanistan and concerned above all about the security of the people of Afghanistan, both those within the country and those displaced and seeking protection in the region and beyond.
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After a week of long-awaited statements and letters from EU leaders castigating the implementation of anti-LGBTI legislation in Hungary, ILGA-Europe will continue working with the institutions so that words can be translated into real action

In the light of increasing attacks on LGBTI rights, stagnation of legal progress and clear lack of implementation of the rights of LGBTI people in […]
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We welcome today’s judgment from the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Association ACCEPT and Others v. Romania

We welcome today’s judgment from the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Association ACCEPT and Others v. Romania.  The Court found a […]
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Responding to anti-LGBTI forces: ILGA-Europe’s call for project proposals

We have launched a re-granting programme to strengthen the capacities of LGBTI organisations in Europe to achieve change in the current landscape of rising anti-LGBTI forces.
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Opinion from European court: same-sex parented families should be officially recognised in all EU member states

Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union’s opinion says that Bulgaria’s lack of recognition for same-sex parented families cannot justify a violation of EU freedom of movement law.
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Join The Hub, ILGA-Europe’s free Resource Sharing Centre for LGBTI activists in Europe and Central Asia

Today we are publicly launching The Hub – ILGA-Europe’s free Resource Sharing Centre for LGBTI activists in Europe and Central Asia.
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communications needs assessment of the LGBTI movement in Europe and Central Asia’ launch

You are invited to register for the activist launch of ‘Communicating for Change: a communications needs assessment of the LGBTI movement in Europe and Central […]
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Hungarian Constitutional Court has annulled new rules prohibiting legal gender recognition

The Hungarian Constitutional Court has annulled the provision of the Registry Procedure Act introduced by Section 33, which contained that the new rules prohibiting legal gender recognition shall also be applied to ongoing proceedings. 
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Is The EU an LGBTIQ Freedom Zone? 

The ambition is right, but the reality is very different, says leading European LGBTI rights organisation
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European Court will consider lack of implementation of EU law to enable freedom of movement for same-sex spouses

Almost three years after the European Court ruled that Romania must recognise a same-sex couple under EU freedom of movement legislation, its government is yet to implement the judgement.
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International Women’s Day 2021: ILGA-Europe statement on gender

We live in a world that is firmly based on a binary construction of gender, leading to structural oppression and discrimination of women in all […]
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Joint statement: Unique opportunity for Uzbekistan to decriminalise same-sex conduct

We, ILGA-Europe and the undersigned human rights organisations, call on the President and government of Uzbekistan, member of the UN Human Rights Council, to decriminalise […]
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Joint manifesto for an inclusive and comprehensive eu gender-based violence policy for all

Together with the under-signed organisations we call on the European Union to adopt a forward-thinking and truly inclusive approach to gender-based violence – that leaves […]
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Help us create a Twitter Storm calling on the European Commission to hold Poland to account for its treatment of LGBTI people!

On Feb 11, as the current KPH campaign draws to an end, we would like to create a Twitter storm to get the hashtag #infringementNow trending, asking why the EU Commission has not taken infringement procedures against Poland yet. Here is how you can help create this important moment.
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Joint statement: 27th of January, International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Every 27th of January, the world pays tribute to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and reaffirms the unwavering commitment to counter antisemitism, antigypsyism, racism, and other forms of intolerance that may lead to group-targeted violence.
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New legal barriers for civil society in Russia

For Russian LGBTI groups, along with the rest of the civil society in the country, 2021 started with the arrival of new barriers to their work.
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Watch a series of short campaign videos created by LGBTI activists

Watch this series of short campaign videos created by LGBTI activists who got expert help to make easy, free homemade videos under lockdown conditions - and get some tips and inspiration for making your own!
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Call for Contributions: Violence and discrimination against LBTI women in sport submission to Council of Europe

We, along with EL*C, TGEU, and OII Europe, are working to prepare a short submission to The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on the specific needs and struggles of LBTI women in sports, and are looking for your inputs to this submission by 31 January.
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Joint statement: Dark day for LGBTI community in Hungary as homophobic discriminatory bill and constitutional amendments are passed

Reacting to the Hungarian parliament’s decision to adopt a law that will strip non-married couples of the right to adoption and two constitutional amendments which further restrict the rights of LGBTQ people, leading human rights organisations have come together to condemn the decision.
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Turkish court postpones trial of 19 Pride attendees, infringing their right to fair judicial process

The Turkish courts’ postponement until next April of the trial of 19 people accused of “unlawful assembly” after taking part in an LGBTI Pride march last year is clearly infringing their right to a fair trial, and sending a worrying signal from the judiciary, says ILGA-Europe.
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