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Expression Abridged – new report from IGLYO

iGLYO’s latest report “Expression Abridged” is essential reading for LGBTI activists, researchers, academics and the media alike. Officially launched at the European Parliament in Brussels […]
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ILGA-Europe to launch report on funding for LGBTI activism

On Monday 30 April ILGA-Europe will launch the report ‘Funding for LGBTI Activism in Europe and Central Asia: Priorities and Access to Resources’, giving an excellent picture of […]
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Albania and FYR Macedonia accession talks recommended

On 17 April 2018, the European Commission recommended launching accession talks with Albania and FYR Macedonia, both of which have up until now been candidates […]
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LGBTI-phobic attacks reported in Armenia

ILGA-Europe have received reports of LGBTI-phobic attacks against members of the community in Armenia. LAST UPDATED: 17 April *Content warning: some graphic descriptions of violence […]
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Istanbul Convention: We achieved a lot together and we will not stop there!

Nine European umbrella civil society organisations – including ILGA-Europe – have written to Thorbjorn Jagland (CoE Secretary General) on why the Istanbul Convention is still […]
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European Parliament backs call for civil society supports in the EU

This morning, 489 MEPs voted in favour of an instrument to support civil society organisations which promote democracy, rule of law and fundamental rights.  Over 500 […]
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Nobody Left Outside – a letter to Commissioner Andriukaitis

‘Nobody Left Outside’ a collective of organisations committed to working together to find solutions to improve access to healthcare for the communities we all represent, […]
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Joint statement: Polish Parliament should reject bill to limit abortion rights

The Polish Parliament is debating a draft bill entitled “Stop Abortion.” If adopted, this legislation will severely limit the already restricted grounds on which women […]
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wedish Parliament to pay compensation for forced sterilisation of trans people

Yesterday, the Swedish Parliament took the historic decision that trans people who were forcibly sterilised (between 1972 and 2013) should be paid compensation. This is […]
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Latvia parliament rejects partnership legislation petition

Yesterday, the Mandate, Ethics and Submissions Committee of the Saeima (parliament) of Latvia, rejected a petition for introduction of partnership legislation which would recognise all unmarried couples, including […]
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High-Level EU Group and List of Actions provide food for thought

Today, representatives from EU institutions met with human rights activists in Brussels. Our Executive Director Evelyne Paradis was at the High Level Group on Non-Discrimination, […]
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Finnish parliament votes to approve automatic co-parent recognition for female same-sex couples

When the Act comes into force, it will remove the need for female couples who have accessed fertility treatments to then go through the adoption […]
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Budapest court rules foreign same-sex marriages must be recognised in Hungary

A judge at Budapest District Court has ruled that same-sex couples who have married outside Hungary have the right to their union being recognised as […]
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European Court rules Medically Assisted Reproduction case ‘inadmissable’

The European Court of Human Rights has today made an inadmissability decision in the case of ‘Marie Charron & Ewenne Merle-Montet v France’. ILGA-Europe regret that […]
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ILGA-Europe welcomes European Parliament resolution on free movement

The European Parliament today adopted a non-binding resolution, which urges the European Commission and members states to fully implement the Free Movement Directive. On the […]
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LGBTI activist attacked in Tbilisi

Miranda Pagava, an activist with Equality Movement and a trans woman, has been attacked in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi. Trans woman and LGBTI activist, […]
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Concern over Elósegui appointment to European Court of Human Rights

ILGA-Europe and other NGO’s express concern over revelations about newly elected judge at the European Court of Human Rights, María Elosegui’s homophobic and transphobic publications and […]
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How EU policymakers can play their part in essential healthcare for LGBTI people

For the last two years, ILGA-Europe have been working on ‘health4lgbti’, a project exploring the healthcare needs and challenges faced by LGBTI people. Sophie Aujean, our […]
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Call for proposals – Review of the implementation of the Council of Europe Recommendation on LGBT Rights

Deadline for applications: 5 February 2018, 18:00 CET/this call is closed. ILGA-Europe is announcing a call for proposals to support the second round of review […]
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Psychological tests should not be used to check credibility of LGBTI asylum seekers

in an important development from the Court of Justice of the European Union, psychological testing has been prohibited as an assessment method for . These […]
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New report maps out what EU must do to protect civil society

The introduction to the latest report from the EU’s Fundamental Right Agency opens with a clear explanation of why civil society groups are so important, […]
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