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Rainbow Europe Map and Index 2014

Where legal protection of the human rights of LGBTI people is concerned, there is gradual progress in many European countries. However, Europe as a whole […]
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Strategic plan 2014-2018

We discussed how we can make sure that what we achieve over the next five years will get us closer to making our vision of […]
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Guidelines for transposition EU Crime Victims’ Directive and homophobic/transphobic hate crimes

In 2012, the EU adopted a Directive on the position of crime victims in criminal proceedings (Directive 2012/29, OJ 2012 L315/57; the ‘2012 Directive’), replacing […]
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Rainbow Europe Map and Index 2013

Lately, we heard a lot about marriage equality debate in France and the large public demonstrations by the opponents, or the regressive developments in Russia […]
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Annual Review 2013

This edition of ILGA-Europe’s Annual Review of the Human Rights Situation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex People covers events that occurred between January-December 2012.
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First Review of The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe Recommendation on LGBT Rights – 2013

Agreed unanimously by the 47 Council of Europe member states, it was the first and only agreement between governments to combat discrimination against LGBT people […]
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Guidelines: transposition of the Asylum Qualification Directive

In 2011, the European Union adopted the recast Qualification Directive (2011/95/EU) setting out rules governing minimum standards on conditions under which international protection is granted […]
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Rainbow Europe Map and Index 2012

ILGA-Europe Rainbow Map 2012 reflects the national legal human rights situation of LGBTI people in a simple format. The Rainbow Map ranks all European countries […]
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Human Rights and Gender Identity: Best Practice Catalogue

Human Rights and Gender Identity: Best Practice Catalogue is a civil society follow-up to the pioneering work of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human […]
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Toolkit for training police officers on tackling LGBTI-phobic crime

This publication is about how to devise and implement training for police forces better to tackle LGBTI-phobic hate crime.
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Exploring the Lisbon Treaty

The Treaty of Lisbon entered into force on 1 December 2009. As a result, the Charter of Fundamental Rights, initially proclaimed at the Nice European […]
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Report on gender discrimination in employment and access to goods and services

This joint ILGA-Europe and Transgender Europe contribution is being submitted to the European Commission in view of the review of the implementation of Dir 2004/113/EC […]
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Annual Review 2011

The very first edition of ILGA-Europe’s Annual Review of the Human Rights Situation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex People covering events that occurred between January-December 2011.
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Rainbow Europe Map and Index 2011

On 17 May, the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia is being marked. Every year on this day ILGA-Europe looks at progress made by European […]
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The legal grounds for inclusive EU legislation against bias violence and hatred

This publication is about research on legal grounds and political arguments on hate crimes in the European Union.
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Strategic plan 2011-2013

The first was to explicitly underline ILGA-Europe’s human rights approach as the basis of the organisation’s work. The second was to consider ILGA-Europe as a […]
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Make It Work: Six steps to effective LGBT human rights advocacy

The advocacy manual which has been produced by ILGA-Europe to provide a logical structure and a set of methods, tools and skills which human rights […]
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Cooperation between police forces and LGBT organisations in Europe

Joining forces to combat homophobic and transphobic hate crime This publication is the result of a research conducted in 2009-2010, in the frame of a […]
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Rainbow Europe Map and Index 2010

The map reflects European countries’ legislation which protects the human rights of and ensures equality for LGB people as well as laws and practices which […]
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6 steps to effective LGBT advocacy, 2010

It is primarily concerned with how and where LGBT human rights advocates in the domestic setting can employ international and regional human rights instruments to […]
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Transgender people and the Gender Recast Directive

The aim of these Guidelines is to provide an introduction to the content of the Gender Recast Directive and an overview of the jurisprudence of […]
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