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Guidelines Refugee Status Directive

The Directive adopted in 2004 by the European Union sets out the minimum rules governing the award conditions under which of refugee status is granted. […]
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Rights, not crimes

ILGA-Europe’s report on the EU’s role in ending criminalisation of same-sex acts in third countries. This report looks into the role of the European Unions […]
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Strategic plan 2005-2008

Inclusion of Equality within the LGBT communities as a focus throughout – encouraging equality for all within the organisation and all its actions. Creating links […]
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Meeting the challenge of accession

Surveys on sexual orientation discrimination in countries joining the European Union. This report is a comparative summary of national reports written in ten countries (Czech Republic, […]
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Equality for lesbians and gay men- a relevant issue in EU accession process

This report, from 2001, maps the legal and social situation of lesbians and gay men in 13 candidate countries to EU accession. Three years after […]
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After Amsterdam – Sexual Orientation and the European Union

This guide, published in 1999, focuses on the implications of the Amsterdam Treaty in relation to sexual orientation discrimination. It is available in 6 languages. The […]
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Equality for lesbians and gay men – a relevant issue in the civil and political dialogue

This report maps the legal and social situation of lesbians and gay men in all 15 EU member states and formulates a series of recommendations […]
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