Joint statement: Kazakhstan risks further affiliating with Russia after MP requested to ban a leading LGBTI human rights group as “extremist”.

The recent initiative of a Member of Parliament of Kazakhstan to designate as “extremist” and ban an LGBTI civil society organisation, violates Kazakhstan’s human rights obligations and further affiliates it with Russia.

On 9 October 2024, Mr Rinat Zaitov, a member of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, speaking on behalf of the ruling party Amanat, formally requested the government to declare a leading LGBTI civil society organisation as extremist, which would lead to prohibition on its operation and the penalisation of its staff. This happened after a group of pro-Russian radical activists led by Bagila Baltabayeva, the leader of the Kazakhstan Union of Parents, stormed a private event organised by the feminist group Feminita for the LGBTI community in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Baltabaeva and her group attempted to enter the venue where Feminita was holding the event and disrupt it. Earlier this year, the same group pushed for the petition to ban so-called “LGBT propaganda”, the public support of which was, according to independent sources, allegedly orchestrated by Kazakh officials. At the same time, Kazakhstan has been gradually introducing scrutiny on civil society organisations which are reminiscent of so-called “foreign agents” laws.

Political influence from Russia

State-facilitated violence against civil society activists and scapegoating of LGBTI people is part of the broader set of tools that also includes so-called ‘LGBT propaganda” laws and “foreign agents” laws. Such legislative attacks against human rights defenders protecting LGBTI individuals have a negative impact on the European Union, destabilising it by supporting claims from radical political forces within the EU.

The Government of Kazakhstan must not follow the path, which Russia and its allies have chosen in recent years. We call the Government of Kazakhstan not to declare Feminita or any civil society organisation supporting LGBTI people as extremist, and to duly protect civil society organisations from attacks from third parties, as well as to focus on actual public concerns.

We call on the European Parliament to unequivocally condemn this attempt to ban legitimate human rights activism, as well as any similar initiatives to use anti-extremist legislation against human rights defenders and civil society organisations.

We call on the European Commission to ensure that it is consistent with its own principles and values when cooperating with Kazakhstan’s government and that international commitments on human rights violations are respected across the board. In the event that Feminita or any other civil society organisation supporting LGBTI people is declared ‘extremist’ in Kazakhstan, we believe the European Commission will exercise continuity and that the new sanctions framework against Russia’s destabilising actions abroad will be fairly applied in a similar manner. We specifically call the European External Action Service and the EU Delegation to inform the Government of Kazakhstan about the potential consequences of such actions.


Outright International

LSVD⁺ – Verband Queere Vielfalt

Hirschfeld Eddy Foundation

FRI – The Norwegian Organisation for Sexual and Gender Diversity

The Council for Global Equality

LGBT+ Denmark

See also


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Press Release

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Press Release

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Press Release

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Poland Anti-LGBTI Hate Timeline

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Press Release

LGBTI organisations welcome European Court judgement in favour of trans parental rights in Russia

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Press Release

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New legal barriers for civil society in Russia

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Case Law

V.D. v Russia

Asylum. Submitted jointly by ILGA-Europe, AIRE Centre, ICJ and UKLGIG.
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