Skills Boost: Data visualisation for LGBTI communication

Do you wish you could visualise data to tell better stories for your LGBTI activism? Have you wanted to use an infographic but are not confident in your data or design skills? Join our next Skills Boost about data visualisation for LGBTI communication.

First session

This will be a beginner-friendly 60-minute session focusing on creating simple graphics using data from the freshly launched ILGA-Europe 2023 Rainbow Map and Index. You will:

  • Get inspiration from other data visualisations and designers on LGBTI issues
  • Be introduced to the new 2023 Rainbow Map & Index and how to find a story relevant to your work among the data
  • Receive templates and a step-by-step demonstration of how to create a graphic using the free design tool Canva.
  • Have a chance to submit your own draft graphic and get personalised feedback at a follow-up session

Join our next Skills Boost about data visualisation for LGBTI communication on Thursday 25 May, 12 noon CEST by registering here.

second session

At the second session on data visualisation, you can receive individual feedback to every exercise sent to before 5 June. There will be more time for questions, discussions and peer-learning, so join us even if you are not doing “homework”.

Exercise: In the end of the previous session, we asked you to create a draft data graphic for yourself and send to by Monday, 5 June. Please send high-resolution original version (if you use Canva, you can send a ‘collaboration link’ so we can directly suggest edits).

Tell us in the email (very briefly):

  • What story you want to tell/point you want to make with it
  • If there is more you would like to improve about it with our help
  • Permission for ILGA-Europe to share it on our social media channels (when it is ready)

Join the session on Tuesday 6 June, 12 noon CEST by registering here.

See also


Keep Calm and Communicate: LGBTI Activists Share Crisis Communication Tips

Last month we brought together 25 activists from over 15 countries to discuss and learn all about communicating in times of crisis. With Pride season […]
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Skills Boost: Get the most from digital ads

Join us on June 12 and June 26 for our Skills Boost sessions designed for LGBTI activists who want to learn more about digital ads […]
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Skills Boost: Useful communications strategies for LGBTI activists

Register here to join us at 12:00 CEST (noon), Wednesday 3 April for a Skills Boost session designed for LGBTI activists who want your organisational […]
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Call for participants: Solidarity and Skills for Communicating through Crisis

About Get Ready! Get Ready! is a 2-day ILGA-Europe learning event on crisis communications for LGBTI organisations in Europe and Central Asia. It will take […]
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Effective campaigns in support of LGBTI rights: How to avoid instrumentalisation and communicate without playing into polarisation?

All over Europe and Central Asia, LGBTI people are used by different political payers to gain the power. Our opponents create and feed harmful and […]
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From numbers to stories: How LGBTI activists can use data visualisation

In our last Skills Boost session, over 70 LGBTI activists learnt how to find and tell a story from the data that speaks about their own work. Take a look at the impressive charts developed as part of the session and learn more about how to use data visualisation in your daily communications.
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Skills Boost: Media interview practice

Register here to join us at 12:00 noon CEST, Tuesday 5 September for a Skills Boost session specifically designed for LGBTI activists to prepare for […]
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LGBTI Fundraising Campaigns 101: The 5 crucial elements to raise funds effectively

Do you want to start a fundraising campaign for your LGBTI organisation but are unsure of where to begin? We got you. In today’s blog we bring you the main learnings from our latest Skills Boost session, case studies and examples of the work done by participants.
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Skills boost: Effective fundraising campaigns in times of crisis

All over the world, LGBTI organisations face a lack of resources, particularly funding that can be used for flexible needs. One of the ways to […]
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LGBTI Activism 101: Connecting with the Media

It’s important that the media explores the issues that affect our communities in a realistic way, but for many LGBTI activists, getting journalists interested can seem difficult, if not impossible. Our latest activism Skills Boost sessions explored connecting to the media. Here’s what our participants learned.
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call for applications: ‘LGBTI Communications: Learning Journey Grants’

Introduction Earlier this year, ILGA-Europe launched a programme to foster stronger and more strategic communications across the European and Central Asian LGBTI movement and to […]
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Skills Boost: Media relations for LGBTI activists

The next of our popular Skills Boost sessions for LGBTI activists will take place on September 14 (12:00-13:30 CET), giving you practical advice on how […]
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Call for proposals: Supporting strong communications by LGBTI organisations

Over the coming three years, ILGA-Europe will do this through different activities, including financial support and consultancy to build strong communications abilities, grants to support […]
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Join our next Skills Boost session on making graphics with free tools and no design skills

Do you want to make better use of graphic design in your LGBTI activism?
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Communicating for Change

A communications needs assessment of the LGBTI movement in Europe and Central Asia, for donors to help create new grant opportunities to support communications efforts. […]
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Join The Hub, ILGA-Europe’s free Resource Sharing Centre for LGBTI activists in Europe and Central Asia

Today we are publicly launching The Hub – ILGA-Europe’s free Resource Sharing Centre for LGBTI activists in Europe and Central Asia.
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communications needs assessment of the LGBTI movement in Europe and Central Asia’ launch

You are invited to register for the activist launch of ‘Communicating for Change: a communications needs assessment of the LGBTI movement in Europe and Central […]
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How LGBTI activists can make terrific home-made videos

Guest blogger, Richard Roaf, director of VideoRev and an expert in helping activists develop low-budget viral campaign videos, shares his best tips for LGBTI activists filming home-made campaign videos and the learnings from the ‘Skills Boost’ workshop he conducted for ILGA-Europe.
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Watch a series of short campaign videos created by LGBTI activists

Watch this series of short campaign videos created by LGBTI activists who got expert help to make easy, free homemade videos under lockdown conditions - and get some tips and inspiration for making your own!
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COVID-19 Crisis Communications: LGBTI Q&A

After our blog on crisis communication, ILGA-Europe hosted a Q&A call for LGBTI groups to share experiences and advice on communicating clearly during the COVID-19 crisis. Here is a summary and 60-second video of five lessons we
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COVID-19: How to communicate clearly as an LGBTI group

The COVID-19 crisis situation is changing every day, and as an LGBTI organisation you are going to want to keep your audience updated about what specifically matters to them. ILGA-Europe’s strategic communications consultant, Sho Konno, gives his key advice for communicating at this time.
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5 things you can do to respond to the anti-gender discourse

Over the past few years in Europe and some other parts of the world, we have seen the rise of the ‘anti-gender’ movement, with opposition to LGBTI rights centralised around so-called “gender ideology”.
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Responding to the anti-gender movement

In the last few years ILGA-Europe worked on various fronts to better understand the anti-gender movement and its impact on public discourse and the lives […]
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Join Us to Discuss the Results of ILGA-Europe Strategic Communications Needs Assessment

We will host a webinar on the results of the needs assessment that will inform ILGA-Europe’s capacity building work and donor funding strategies in the coming years. […]
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Discover how to frame your messages about intersex issues

Are you campaigning for intersex rights in your country? Are you supporting intersex groups in their campaigning efforts? Discover how to frame your messages about […]
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Interactive webinar: Message framing for legal gender recognition based on self-determination

Are you campaigning for legal gender recognition in your country? Discover how to talk about self-determination with policy-makers, media, allies and community members. ILGA-Europe will […]
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Testing Your Communications

This is a resource to help you test your messages. It is designed for campaigners who have little or no experience with message testing.  When […]
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Framing Equality Toolkit

This toolkit is a short guide to strategic communications, based on extensive research and building on the experience of activists and communicators from around the […]
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