Rainbow Digest August 2024

‘Everything we’ve fought for feels like it’s been shattered overnight’: Bulgaria adopts anti-LGBTI law

Bulgaria adopts a fast-tracked law banning the portrayal of LGBTI identities

ILGA-Europe have condemned a fast-tracked law banning the portrayal of LGBTI identities in Bulgarian educational institutions, warning that it is an attack on children’s rights and a distraction to secure votes for far-right and Russia-aligned parties in forthcoming elections.

On 7 August, the Parliament voted with almost a full majority to adopt the anti-LGBT propaganda law. On 16 August, the President signed it into law. 

“The proponents of the law, the Revival Party, and all those who voted in favour of the law claim that this is to protect young people, however the truth is that this is an attack on the rights of children, particularly LGBTI children.”

Chaber, Executive Director of ILGA-Europe

‘Everything we’ve fought for feels like it’s been shattered overnight’ 

In an interview with ILGA-Europe, Denitsa Lyubenova from Deystvie talked about how Bulgarian activists are rallying against the draconian law and how the international community can stand in solidarity with the Bulgarian LGBTI community. 

ILGA-Europe news

Join our webinar on data protection

On 4 September, we’re organising a webinar to discuss robust digital hygiene practices to safeguard sensitive data.

Register now.

Listen to the podcasts on organisational wellbeing

In a special two-part series of The Frontline podcast, we dive into navigating team wellbeing for LGBTI organisations. 

Listen to the podcasts.

Top tips on digital advertising for LGBTI activists

In our last Skills Boost we dove into the world of digital advertising, with a special focus on helping LGBTI organisations maximise their reach and effectiveness online.

Read our tips.

New resources for activists in the context of anti-LGBTI forces 

We published a series of resources on The Hub – our free learning centre for the LGBTI activists – to strengthen the LGBTI movement in the context of rising anti-LGBTI forces. 

Latest news


How did Finland and Greece end up in the same place on the Rainbow Map?

In 2024, Greece and Finland have found themselves sharing the same spot—sixth place—on ILGA-Europe’s Rainbow Map, and that tells us a lot about the diverse ways in which human rights of LGBTI people are changing across Europe.

Read more.


Slovakia restricts freedom of assembly with the new law

The President of Slovakia signed a law that amends the act on the right to assemble with severe restrictions on freedom of assembly and expression. The law prohibits public gatherings in certain locations, introduces new grounds for prohibiting or re-locating an assembly, and establish new offences against the right to assemble. The law came into effect on 15 July.

Read the OSCE’s opinion on the law.


Kazakhstan Ministry of Culture and Information partially adopts the anti-LGBTI petition

On 6 August, Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Culture and Information published its decision on the anti-LGBTI petition that demands to ban “non-traditional sexual orientation.” Based on the decision of the working group, the Ministry partially adopts the petition and tasks various ministries to conduct research on “influence of the LGBT movement on minors” throughout the year.

Read more.

Belarus plans to ban “promotion of non-traditional relationships”

According to reports from TG House, Belarus is planning to adopt a law banning the “promotion of non-traditional relationships.” If adopted, the law will restrict freedom of expression and criminalise LGBTI people in the country.

Sign the petition against the law.


Public scrutiny and hateful commentary against athletes in the Olympics

OII Europe condemned the hate speech against two athletes competing in the 2024 Olympics, saying that the hateful rhetoric centres around speculations about their sex characteristics and the mischaracterisation of these athletes not ‘being woman enough’ to compete in the category of their registered female sex.

Read more.

Notice board

  • The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has a call for inputs for their report on combatting discrimination, violence and harmful practices against intersex people. You can share your inputs by 20 November.
  • The European Commission has contracted a study on access to health for people with disabilities – the input of LGBTI people with disabilities is particularly important. Fill out the form by 8 October.
  • The Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE) published their Anti-SLAPP Guidebook and now is offering training throughout September to help advocates understand how to protect themselves from abusive lawsuits and legal threats. Read more and register for the training
  • The Franklin & Marshall Global Barometers (FMGB) has opened the survey submissions for the 2024 F&M Global Barometers LGBTQI+ Perception Index. Respond to the survey by 19 November.
  • Fair Trials is seeking individuals with lived experience in the criminal legal system who will advise the organisation on its campaigns, policies, and overall strategy, ensuring they are informed by lived experiences. Read more and apply before 5 September

Photo: GLAS Foundation

See also


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Rainbow Digest June 2023

  Help transform realities for LGBTI communities across Europe and Central Asia.With your support we can do more. Make change happen here. No. 333. June […]
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Rainbow Digest May 2023

  Help transform realities for LGBTI communities across Europe and Central Asia.With your support we can do more. Make change happen here. No. 332. May […]
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Rainbow Digest April 2023

  Help transform realities for LGBTI communities across Europe and Central Asia.With your support we can do more. Make change happen here. No. 331. April […]
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Rainbow Digest March 2023

  Help transform realities for LGBTI communities across Europe and Central Asia.With your support we can do more. Make change happen here. No. 330. March […]
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Rainbow Digest February 2023

  Help transform realities for LGBTI communities across Europe and Central Asia.With your support we can do more. Make change happen here. No. 329. February […]
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Rainbow Digest January 2023

  Help transform realities for LGBTI communities across Europe and Central Asia.With your support we can do more. Make change happen here. No. 328. January […]
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Rainbow Digest December 2022

  Help transform realities for LGBTI communities across Europe and Central Asia.With your support we can do more. Make change happen here. No. 327. December […]
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Rainbow Digest November 2022

  Help transform realities for LGBTI communities across Europe and Central Asia.With your support we can do more. Make change happen here. No. 326. November […]
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Rainbow Digest October 2022

  Help transform realities for LGBTI communities across Europe and Central Asia.With your support we can do more. Make change happen here. No. 325. October […]
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Rainbow Digest: September 2022

  Help transform realities for LGBTI communities across Europe and Central Asia.With your support we can do more. Make change happen here. No. 324. September […]
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Rainbow Digest August 2022

  Help transform realities for LGBTI communities across Europe and Central Asia.With your support we can do more. Make change happen here. No. 323. August […]
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Rainbow Digest July 2022

  Help transform realities for LGBTI communities across Europe and Central Asia.With your support we can do more. Make change happen here. No. 322. July […]
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Rainbow Digest June 2022

  Help transform realities for LGBTI communities across Europe and Central Asia.With your support we can do more. Make change happen here. No. 321. June […]
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Rainbow Digest: May 2022

  Help transform realities for LGBTI communities across Europe and Central Asia.With your support we can do more. Make change happen here. No. 320. May […]
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Rainbow Digest April 2022

  Help transform realities for LGBTI communities across Europe and Central Asia.With your support we can do more. Make change happen here. No. 319. April […]
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Rainbow Digest March 2022

  Help transform realities for LGBTI communities across Europe and Central Asia.With your support we can do more. Make change happen here. No. 318. March […]
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Rainbow Digest February 2022

  Help transform realities for LGBTI communities across Europe and Central Asia.With your support we can do more. Make change happen here. No. 317. February […]
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Rainbow Digest January 2022

  Help transform realities for LGBTI communities across Europe and Central Asia.With your support we can do more. Make change happen here. No. 316. January […]
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