Rainbow Digest March 2024
Skills boost, funding opportunity, 150 EP election candidates committed to advance LGBTI human rights, and much more…

Over 150 candidates for the EU elections have already signed our pledge
It’s been just three weeks since we launched the Come Out 4 Europe campaign, enlisting pledges from candidates in the forthcoming European Elections to protect and advance LGBTI human rights. We have been really heartened by the response so far from candidates across the EU who who have come out for the freedom, safety and equality of LGBTI people. 116 candidates have so far signed our pledge, representing a wide range of political parties and countries.
EU candidates called on to protect democracy and LGBTI human rights amid a rise in political hostility
The ‘Come Out 4 Europe’ campaign arrives in the light of a new report from ILGA-Europe, charting a stark rise in anti-LGBTI speech across from public representatives in EU member states, which has led to an escalation in violent protests outside schools and libraries, the targeting of Pride marches, and a further rise in attacks against LGBTI people.
ILGA-Europe news
Join our latest Skills Boost event on communications strategies
On 3 and 17 April, we’re organising skills boost sessions for LGBTI activists to help them design communications strategies.
Read more and register for the sessions.
Submit your project proposals for racialised LGBTI communities
2 April is the deadline to submit your project proposals, if your organisation is led by and works for racialised LGBTI communities in Europe.
Save the date for our Annual Conference in Bucharest
The 2024 ILGA-Europe Annual Conference will take place on 16-19 October in Bucharest. We are already working with our Romanian members, ACCEPT and MozaiQ, with whom we’re forced to create an inclusive, engaging and exciting event.
Latest news
Council of Europe publishes a brand-new paper on the human rights of trans people
The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights released a new Issue Paper which thoroughly examines the challenges faced by trans and non-binary people across Europe, which can also work as a comprehensive tool for activists.
“Building an inclusive European Union of Equality”
We joined eight other equality networks to call on the European Union’s leaders and European institutions to ensure equality, anti-racism, and fundamental rights are a priority during the next legislative mandate.
New UN guide on human rights of sex workers
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the highest standard of physical and mental health; the Independent Expert on Protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity; and the UN Working Group on discrimination against women and girls have published a new guide on the human rights of sex workers.
Kyrgyzstan initiates a bill introducing a ban on same-sex marriage
In the new bill, proposed on 2 March by the Kyrgyz Ministry of Labour, Social Support and Migration to introduce the new version of the Family Code, Article 15 lists a number of circumstances when a marriage would not be recognised. According to this article, marriage between persons of the same sex would not be allowed. The current Family Code does not specify anything about same-sex marriages, other than defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman.
Women’s March is banned due to “LGBT propaganda” in Kazakhstan
The city authorities in Almaty announced the reason for refusal of the Women’s March that feminists intended to organise in the city centre on 8 March marking International Women’s Day. “The organisers of the actions hide behind the fight for women’s rights, actually promoting non-traditional values that were alien to us: same-sex relationships, marriages, LGBT symbols, etc.,” the authorities said.
Two trans people attacked by over 150 people in Greece
On 9 March, a group of over 150 people attacked two trans people in the centre of Thessaloniki. The next day, thousands of people came out in protest against the attacks. The Prosecutor of the Supreme Court stated that the prosecutor’s office must ‘identify and arrest the perpetrators’ and prosecute to ensure justice for all.
movement spotlight
Organisations working for racial justice and equity share their aspirations
We asked seven of our partner organisations, run by racialised activists, about their aspirations, visions and messages for the movement and the future.
Notice board
- Registrations are open for the 2024 ILGA World Conference. The 31st edition of the ILGA World Conference will take place from 11 to 15 November 2024 in Cape Town, South Africa. Register before 11 October.
- OII Europe is looking for a Finance Officer. Based in Berlin, OII Europe is hiring a full time Finance Officer in a junior or senior level. Apply before 26 April.
- The European Institute for Gender Equality is looking for trainees. Based in Vilnius, the EIGE announced traineeship opportunities in their research and policy support unit. Apply before 8 April.
Mark your calendar for this year’s Equality Fundraiser
Don’t miss this special event in Brussels to raise funds for ILGA-Europe’s work to advance equality for all LGBTI people across Europe and Central Asia.