After Amsterdam – Sexual Orientation and the European Union

This guide, published inΒ 1999, focuses on the implications of the Amsterdam Treaty in relation to sexual orientation discrimination. It is available in 6 languages.

The Treaty of Amsterdam, which came into force on 1 May 1999, marks a significant milestone for lesbians and gay men in the European Union. The changes introduced by the Treaty include a new clause, Article 13, which covers discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, together with sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion, belief, disability and age. This is the first time that any express reference to discrimination on grounds other than sex or nationality has appeared in the Treaties. It follows extensive campaigning by non-governmental organisations, including ILGA-Europe.

Article 13 ends any doubt about whether the Community has the legal competence to adopt legislation and policies to address discrimination on the grounds listed within it. The debate is now aboutΒ what action can and should be taken. But what does Article 13 mean? What are the implications ofΒ the new Treaty? What opportunities does it offer for concrete action on discrimination?

ILGA-Europe has produced this guide as a contribution to that debate and to promoting wider participation in it. The guide focuses on the implications of the Amsterdam Treaty in relation to sexual orientation andΒ discrimination. It is not possible within the scope of this guide to provide a detailed examinationΒ of the implications of the Treaty in relation to the other grounds of discrimination listed in ArticleΒ 13, although they are all of direct relevance to lesbians and gay men.

See also


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Press Release

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EU Enlargement Review 2024

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Press Release

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Press Release

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EU LGBTIQ Equality Strategy – Second year implementation evaluation

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Press Release

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EU LGBTIQ Equality Strategy – First year implementation evaluation

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Policy Paper

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Press Release

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