Overview of ILGA-Europe’s finances in 2021
In the financial year 2021 ILGA-Europe obtained and recognised €3,322,339 in revenues, which is approximately a 6% increase from the 2020 revenues. The share of unrestricted funding increased significantly over the past years (reaching over €500k in 2021), while the amount of available core funds was increased or at least maintained through the period. The European Commission operating grant remained at just under €1.2M (incl. 20% co-funding) – slightly less resources were used in 2020 due to COVID-19. The share of project funding, while still high (over €1.3M in 2021), was decreased by over 15% in terms of budget share, allowing for the work to be more tailored and responsive to needs, and for resources to be allocated more flexibly to emerging trends and activities, especially in re-granting.
The total of expenditures registered in financial year 2021 amounted to €3,152,160, outlined in the chart below.
The most significant cost category was ILGA-Europe’s re-granting. Overall, 60 new grants were awarded in 2021, for a total amount of €749,885. While these figures are lower than the new grants issued in 2020, the total number and value of active grants that ILGA-Europe managed within the year 2021 was significantly higher – 139 (for a total of €1,742,102), compared to 115 (for a total of €1,377,403) in 2020. What is important to note, is that as of 2020, when ILGA-Europe began raising sufficient amounts of unrestricted donations and sponsorships to cover activity costs beyond standard budget and co-funding gaps, our own funds have been allocated to re-granting in order to widen the scope of organisations funded. In 2021, nearly €200,000 of our donation funds were used for supporting subgrantees – that is over 25% of our total re-granting budget for the year.
The independent audit of the year was carried out in January 2022 and found no issues. A year-end result of €170,180 was recognised, primarily sourced from unrestricted funds and extraordinary income. With this, ILGA-Europe’s reserves stand at €428,476.