Treasurer’s report 2023
The projections for the financial year 2023 assumed a significant growth of the budget, new programmes and areas of engagement, return to regular operations without pandemic-related interruptions, and continued engagement on humanitarian and other support for Ukraine. Like in previous years, the work was a delicate balancing act of ensuring our long-term plans are implemented while creating space and time to respond to on-going developments and trends.
On top of that, the year 2023 was a year of major internal developments, including strategic planning for the following five years, and a leadership transition process. As you can read in our Activity Report, the ILGA-Europe team have carried out a hugely impressive amount of work. From further increasing our flexibility to support LGBTI organisations and expanding our connection with the movements in different countries and sub-regions, to bridging protection gaps and pushing for new and better legislations, standard-setting and helping translate laws into practice, we have been staying ahead of the curve.
We have committed to building and strengthening alliances to make sure LGBTI voices are an active part of collective actions for gender equality, decriminalisation of sex work, democracy, social rights. And we have taken important steps to engage more in the field of socio-economic justice.