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COVID-19: How to communicate clearly as an LGBTI group

The COVID-19 crisis situation is changing every day, and as an LGBTI organisation you are going to want to keep your audience updated about what specifically matters to them. ILGA-Europe’s strategic communications consultant, Sho Konno, gives his key advice for communicating at this time.
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5 things you can do to respond to the anti-gender discourse

Over the past few years in Europe and some other parts of the world, we have seen the rise of the ‘anti-gender’ movement, with opposition to LGBTI rights centralised around so-called “gender ideology”.
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Responding to the anti-gender movement

In the last few years ILGA-Europe worked on various fronts to better understand the anti-gender movement and its impact on public discourse and the lives […]
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Join Us to Discuss the Results of ILGA-Europe Strategic Communications Needs Assessment

We will host a webinar on the results of the needs assessment that will inform ILGA-Europe’s capacity building work and donor funding strategies in the coming years. […]
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Discover how to frame your messages about intersex issues

Are you campaigning for intersex rights in your country? Are you supporting intersex groups in their campaigning efforts? Discover how to frame your messages about […]
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Interactive webinar: Message framing for legal gender recognition based on self-determination

Are you campaigning for legal gender recognition in your country? Discover how to talk about self-determination with policy-makers, media, allies and community members. ILGA-Europe will […]
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Testing Your Communications

This is a resource to help you test your messages. It is designed for campaigners who have little or no experience with message testing.  When […]
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Framing Equality Toolkit

This toolkit is a short guide to strategic communications, based on extensive research and building on the experience of activists and communicators from around the […]
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