Security and Wellbeing

At ILGA-Europe, we view security support in a holistic manner, encompassing security (including digital security), wellbeing and emergency advocacy as areas of support that contribute to the resilience of teams proactively and in times of distress.

We support targeted, time-bound advocacy campaigns to respond to threats or attacks on LGBTI human rights and human rights work, as well as assistance for individual victims or communities connected to funded advocacy campaigns.

Our security work is focused on both proactive and reactive actions. Proactive measures include general and specific capacity building events, as well as connecting activists to our allies in digital security or security areas for specific policy development, or other organisational tools aimed at enhancing organisational security.

Reactively, we provide support to those activists, groups or organisations experiencing distress or crisis through temporary relocation (by referring them to our partners), physical measures aimed at mitigating security crisis (installation of doors, cameras and other equipment), as well as providing legal and psychological counselling.

Wellbeing work is being conducted through specific capacity building events and consultations for organisations with dedicated specialists.

Proactive and reactive advocacy, security and wellbeing work is conducted by ILGA-Europe using a combination of in-house expertise, collaborations with experts and dedicated organisations as well as by issuing small emergency grants through our Dignity for All programme.

To find out more about our Security and Wellbeing work, contact Senior Programmes & Policy Officer, Iulia here.