Socio-economic Justice
In 2020, as a response to COVID pandemic, we launched our No One Left Behind Fund, with a mission to support the LGBTI movement’s capacity to effectively address socio-economic inequalities within LGBTI communities at this critical moment.
In 2020 and 2021, we focused our programmatic work – grants and capacity building – on the impact of the pandemic.
The objective of the Fund continues to be enabling LGBTI groups and organisations to gain the skills and knowledge, build alliances and relationships, and/or test new types of activities, with a view to developing longer-term responses to underlying causes of social and economic inequalities that increase the vulnerability and marginalisation of LGBTI people. In short, the Fund supports work of the LGBTI movement towards socio-economic justice for LGBTI communities.
By socio-economic justice, we mean the removal of obstacles and oppressions which disproportionately worsen the social and economic conditions of already marginalised populations. This includes – but might not be limited to – rights that states have accepted as necessary for individuals and groups to live sustainably in dignity and freedom within a given society, such as education, housing, work, health, and an adequate standard of living.
In 2023, we launched two programmes under the No One Left Behind Fund:
- The first programme (No One Left Behind-II) is to support and strengthen the work of LGBTI organisations and groups in Europe on socio-economic justice for the racialised LGBTI communities, namely the work that addresses the impact of intersectional stigma and discrimination on socio-economic rights and conditions of living of the racialised LGBTI people. Learn more about the call for applications here.
- The second programme (No One Left Behind-III) is to support and advance the work of organisations and groups in the European Union on rising LGBTI homelessness, namely the work that focuses on collaboration across Europe, research, advocacy and alliance-building. Learn more about the call for applications here.
In 2024, we launched the second iteration of No One Left Behind programme dedicated to support work with racialised LGBTI communities. This programme continues our commitment to providing funds and support for the part of LGBTI movement that addresses intersectional impacts of injustice, racialisation, racism and supremacy, and specific harms affecting the lives of racialised LGBTI communities across Europe.
In 2025, we launched the third cycle of No One Left Behind’s Working with racialised LGBTI communities towards justice programme aimed to strengthen organisations run by racialised LGBTI activists and deepen solidarity with racialised LGBTI communities. Learn more about the call for applications here.
Project supported under No One Left Behind Fund (2023-2025)
No One Left Behind II:
Working with racialised LGBTI communities towards socio-economic justice
This is a 12-month programme that supports and strengthens the work being done by and for racialised LGBTI communities in Europe. The programme runs from 1 June 2023 until 1 June 2024.
We support 10 organisations who work with and for racialised LGBTI communities in Europe. The organisations come from 8 countries (Albania, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, France, the UK). All organisations are run by racialised LGBTI people and/or meaningfully and consistently engage racialised LGBTI people in their organisational structure.
Our support is designed as a combination of grants for their projects and regular peer learning. This programme brings an exciting opportunity for us to establish new connections and partnerships with the underfunded and underrepresented but vibrant part of the movement who does important work on the intersection of socio-economic justice and anti-racism.
The type of work that organisations are implementing under this programme is diverse and ranging from work with/for refugees in migrants centres, raising awareness about the lived realities of Roma LGBTI communities, self-organising working class racialised LGBTI people living beyond capital cities in a suburban Pride, collaborating with service providers to improve access for racialised queer communities to mental health services, and create safe spaces for racialised trans people accessing health services, to name a few.
Projects under this programme are supported through funding made available by the European Commission and Global Equality Fund.
The organisations and projects we support under this programme:
Summary of the project: Series of meetings, workshops and networking events with and for BIPOC refugees in Lager migrant centers in Berlin. The project is aimed at community building, empowerment of BIPOC refugees and also sensitising non-queer refugee communities within migrant centers.
Awarded amount: EUR20,000
Summary of the project: Co-creation of Trans Clinic Utrecht in collaboration with a national service provider (Public Health Service); organising safer spaces and empowerment/social component.
Awarded amount: EUR20,000
Summary of the project: Building a network of mental health specialists, organizing group sessions and workshops, and offering self-designated activities and events to uplift and empower the racialised LGBTI community in Belgium.
Awarded amount: EUR19,992
Summary of the project: LGBTI migrants from the MENA region in Vienna and socio-economic integration: Needs’ assessment, awareness raising and collaboration with service providers.
Awarded amount: EUR19,992
Summary of the project: Awareness building at Prague Pride; training Roma LGBTI trainers to be educators; and running a course for service providers on Roma LGBTI intersection.
Awarded amount: EUR19,985
Summary of the project: Training and workshops (mental health) for racialised LGBTI communities; collaboration with partner organisations (migrants, refugees minoritised LGBTI orgs) on developing access to mental health services for racialised LGBTI communities
Awarded amount: EUR 19,862.62
Summary of the project: The organization of Pride des Banlieues 2024 focused on working class LGBTI racialized communities outside of Paris and strengthening work on surrounding communication and campaign.
Awarded amount: EUR19,994
Summary of the project: A series of empowerment and mobilisation events: Festival for LGBTI BIPoC; workshops for LGBTI BIPoC (healing, empowerment, creating new narratives) and team-building work for wellbeing and strategic planning of the organisation.
Awarded amount: EUR 19,998
Summary of the project: The project focuses on strengthening institutional and human tight organizations capacities to establish and deliver inclusive services to racialised LGBTI community (Roma and Egyptian LGBTI communities in Albania) in the area of social care, employment, and inclusive education.
Awarded amount: EUR 19,985
No One Left Behind III:
Working towards socio-economic justice: addressing LGBTI homelessness in the European Union
This is a 12-month programme that enhances and advances the work of LGBTI organisations addressing LGBTI homelessness in European Union. The programme aims to sustain the vital work of understanding the root causes and forms of LGBTI homelessness and advocate for improving access of LGBTI communities to services and housing. The programme runs from 1 July 2023 until 1 July 2024.
We support 5 organisations who come from 4 countries (Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Spain). Our support is designed as a combination of grants for their projects and regular capacity building and peer learning. The projects we support focus on data collection, advocacy efforts, and collaboration between sectors, systems and services in addressing LGBTI homelessness.
We believe that having a small group of organisations with a strengthened experience in the area of LGBTI homelessness will bring new learnings and insights that can be shared with a wider movement and benefit other organisations who are at the beginning of their work on homelessness in their respective countries.
Projects under this programme are supported through funding made available by the European Commission.
The organisations and projects we support under this programme:
Summary of the project: P.R.I.D.E. will investigate 3 areas of intervention: (1) The qualitative and quantitative research into the minority stress, mental distress and its consequences on housing deprivation (and its chronicity). (2) Gathering service providers to build an alliance to advocate for inclusion and socio-economic equality. The gathering will focus on: sharing support methodologies and intervention strategies; establishing a national network able to provide prompt and effective responses; improving the dialogue with national and local institutions; planning advocacy strategies. (3) The new alliance will elaborate a policy brief, designed as an advocacy tool to advance the conversation with local authorities and policy makers. The policy brief will contain a systematic analysis together with recommendations to implement effective prevention strategies.
Awarded amount: EUR20,000
Summary of the project: The project aims to advance the topic of LGBTIQ+ (youth) homelessness and housing exclusion in Slovenia and to ensure the active involvement of public stakeholders, institutions, and financers in the effort to provide long-term housing units for (young) LGBTIQ+ people using advocacy strategies and research data. The project has a targeted advocacy training and capacity building component that focuses on acquiring knowledge, skills and tools by the homelessness project team within Ljubljana Pride to be successful in advocacy. The project will also focus on creating partnerships and collaboration with homelessness service providers and public institutions relevant to the issue in order to map their possibilities and needs when working with (young) LGBTIQ+ people and to create a roadmap for (young) LGBTIQ+ homeless and vulnerable people access to publicly-funded medium- and long-term housing in Slovenia.
Awarded amount: EUR20,000
Summary of the project:
This is a joint project of ACATHI and Ahora Dónde. The project at the core is the qualitative and quantitative research about the situation of homeless LGTBI people in Barcelona, including some interviews done with service providers. The project will create a Core Group co-chaired by ACATHI and Ahora Dónde and composed of social organizations, public institutions, and diverse experts linked to LGTBI rights and homelessness issue. The project aims to convene actors linked to LGTBI rights and policies for homelessness and housing, to conduct the research, and to build an advocacy strategy. ACATHI and Ahora Dónde plan to advocate the inclusion of the LGBTI homeless issues – specially in relation to young and migrant LGTBI people – in the new Homelessness Municipal Plan, as well as in the new LGBTI plan.
Awarded amount: EUR19,986.26
Summary of the project: This is a joint project of ACATHI and Ahora Dónde. The project at the core is the qualitative and quantitative research about the situation of homeless LGTBI people in Barcelona, including some interviews done with service providers. The project will create a Core Group co-chaired by ACATHI and Ahora Dónde and composed of social organizations, public institutions, and diverse experts linked to LGTBI rights and homelessness issue. The project aims to convene actors linked to LGTBI rights and policies for homelessness and housing, to conduct the research, and to build an advocacy strategy. ACATHI and Ahora Dónde plan to advocate the inclusion of the LGBTI homeless issues – specially in relation to young and migrant LGTBI people – in the new Homelessness Municipal Plan, as well as in the new LGBTI plan.
Awarded amount: EUR20,000
Summary of the project: The project aims (1) to conduct community-based research with queer sex workers; (2) to build networks and alliances with likeminded groups and organizations to offer services to queer sex workers communities, (3) to present the results of the research to community members, local and state/city group and officials; (4) to develop and implement strategies to strengthen the queer sex worker community.
Awarded amount: EUR20,000
Working with racialised LGBTI communities towards justice
This is a 12-month programme that addresses the intersectional impact of injustice, racialisation, racism and specific harms affecting the lives of racialised LGBTI communities across Europe by supporting and strengthening the work being done by and for racialised LGBTI communities in Europe. The programme runs from 1 June 2024 until 1 June 2025.
We support 11 organisations led by racialised LGBTI communities in Europe. The organisations come from 7 countries (Austria, Germany, Netherlands, France, Spain , Sweden, the UK).
Our support is designed as a combination of grants for their projects and regular partner meeting to create spaces for the groups to exchange and build connections.This programme brings an exciting opportunity for us to continue our sustainable support for some of the organisations that we have worked with under NOLB-II programme and establish connections and partnerships with racialised LGBTI groups who are new to us.
The work of these groups highlights the structural nature of intersectionality, brings to light many interconnected oppressions and reveals the ways they interact to produce specific harms. By continuing our support for this part of LGBTI movement, ILGA-Europe want to recognise the effort and knowledge it takes to address intersectionality, strengthen organisations run by racialised LGBTI activists, and deepen solidarity with racialised LGBTI communities.
The type of work that organisations are implementing under this programme is diverse: working with/for refugees and asylum seekers, doing digital activism, artivism and community empowerment, forging collaboration with white and other allies, mobilising Black trans sex workers, improving access for racialised queer communities to mental health services, creating safer spaces for racialised trans people accessing health services, to name a few.
Projects under this programme are supported through funding made available by the European Commission.
The organisations and projects we support under this programme:
Summary of the project: The project aims to strengthen a community-led Trans Clinic in Utrecht, specifically catering to transgender and non-binary individuals of color, asylum seekers, and sex workers. This initiative addresses a nationwide transgender healthcare capacity issue, resulting in long wait times for essential medical care, especially for marginalised trans people who also face institutional barriers within the healthcare system. The intention behind the Trans Clinic is twofold: firstly, to provide access to crucial healthcare services such as hormone therapy and STI testing in a safe and supportive environment, and secondly, to create a support network that addresses the unique challenges faced by trans people from marginalized backgrounds.
Amount Awarded: 25,000 €
Summary of the project: The project is to provide racialised LGBTI people with a path to psychological care, support, well-being and identity affirmation by offering them consultations with a psychologist and by organising various support workshops and coaching on self-esteem. The intention behind this project is to improve the mental health of racialised LGBTI communities, fight against the multiple discriminations they experience and improve self-esteem.
Amount Awarded: 25,000 €
Summary of the project: The project addresses the intersecting struggles faced by BIPOC+ LGBTQI+ individuals, specifically focusing on the challenges encountered by transgender and gender nonconforming refugees and migrants in Sweden and the region. The project aims to host a series of community-building workshops, webinars, and panel discussions to provide essential tools, skills, and resources to BIPOC+ LGBTQI+ refugees and migrants. The goal is to create safer spaces, both online and offline, for the communities to strengthen their capacities and well-being, considering their engagement and marginalisation within white-led and dominant communities. The project will also enhance Queerstion’s platform to strategically spotlight the voices of queer racialized minorities. The organisation will conduct organisational trainings internally to strengthen their foundation and equip their team with the necessary expertise for their current and future sustainability. Additionally, Queerstion’s plan to establish and nurture a network that extends beyond Sweden, encompassing other BIPOC+ LGBTQI+ organizations in Europe as well as non-BIPOC+ ones.
Amount Awarded: 24,554 €
Summary of the project: The main aim of the project is to challenge and transform dominant narratives about queer refugees by centering their voices, experiences, and aspirations through creative co-creation. LIMBO intends to shift away from deficit-based approaches, that view refugees as lacking in language, western cultural norms and values, emancipation etc., in research and activism towards a desire-based approach that empowers queer uprooted individuals to define their own narratives and futures. By foregrounding the stories and creativity of queer refugees, the project aims to challenge stereotypes and promote empathy and recognition of their humanity and agency. By engaging in creative practices that celebrate individual and collective experiences, participants will be empowered to reclaim their narratives and envision alternative futures.
Amount Awarded: 25,000 €
Summary of the project: The goal of the project is to address topics such as trauma, shame, power and oppressive structures while moving beyond the norms of sexuality, gender identity and exploring the intersections of decolonisation and racialisation in depth. The project creates liberatory practices for the racialised LGBTI community, contributing to the resilience and empowerment of the movements. The change the project aims to bring involves creating spaces where these topics can be courageously explored, where people can mend shame and control, and where grief can be tended to in ways that heal trauma patterns.
Amount Awarded: 25,000 €
Summary of the project: The project continues and extends the work Break Isolation Group does with and for racialised LGBTI refugees and asylum seekers in empowering them, proving safer spaces to gather and strengthening their communities. The project will focus on the artistic ways of interventions and spaces such as Slam Poetry nights that bring to the stage the voices and queer experiences of refugees and migrants. The main objective of the project is to sustain the spaces for networking, artistic expression and healing where racialised queer persons can achieve a sense of belonging and community.
Amount Awarded: 25,000 €
Summary of the project: This project aims to counteract the racist, xenophobic and LGTBphobic violence that has increased in recent years in Spain and specifically in Madrid. The project focuses on (1) increasing the knowledge of theoretical and practical tools for LGTBI racialised adults to confront racism, xenophobia and LGTBphobia from an intersectional and human rights approach and (2) reinforcing participation networks and raise awareness of white LGBT allies and heterosexual racialised organisations from a rights and diversity approach. The [̶project will be implemented through two strategies. The first one: chuquichinchay dissident-anti racist training program, with theoretical and practical sessions that address both academic and technical knowledge from ancestral wisdoms as a way to resist racist and LGBTIphobic violence. The second being dialogues of alliance and sensitisation, in order to strengthen Migrantes Transgresorxs’ networks and put the importance of addressing racism and sexual and gender diversity at the center of the agendas of white LGTB organisations and heterosexual racialised organisations.
Amount Awarded: 25,000 €
Summary of the project: “Embracing Us” is a project which consists of the Vienna pride events and a three-day retreat designed to celebrate the unique identities of queer individuals of African descent, navigating through political and racial obstacles in Austria. The goal is to cultivate a sustainable LGBTIQ+ community, mindful of power dynamics and generational differences, and strengthen ties with the allies. The retreat will offer an opportunity for reflection, healing, networking, and empowerment for members of the Afro Rainbow Austria community. The Vienna Pride event will serve as a platform to spotlight the community, amplify the message, and showcase the efforts, thereby mobilising queer Africans. The Pride will attract allies and play a crucial role in increasing visibility for queer Africans, particularly those who are still grappling with their identities
Amount Awarded: 25,000 €
Summary of the project: The project offers structured assistance for racialised asylum seekers, refugees, undocumented persons and/or formerly denied asylum LGBTQI+ in France, mainly from North African and Middle Eastern backgrounds. The focus of the project is strengthening WASSLA’s “Accueil et Solidarité” support program and enhancing collaboration with ARDHIS, FLIRT and La Bulle organisations
Amount Awarded: 25,000 €
Summary of the project: The project aims to create collaborative, community-based, artistic and safer spaces for racialised LGBTI communities who live on the intersection of sex work and transidentity, mostly with Afro-Caribbean background. Through organising workshops and festival spaces, the aim is to practice harm reduction and integration surrounding queer and trans lived experiences, provide in-person spaces for collective healing and online spaces to share materials with other organisations.
Amount Awarded: 25,000 €
To find out more about our Socio-economic Justice programmes, contact our Senior Programmes Officer, Nadzeya here.