Socio-economic Justice

In 2020, as a response to COVID pandemic, we launched our No One Left Behind Fund, with a mission to support the LGBTI movement’s capacity to effectively address socio-economic inequalities within LGBTI communities at this critical moment.

In 2020 and 2021, we focused our programmatic work – grants and capacity building – on the impact of the pandemic.

The objective of the Fund continues to be enabling LGBTI groups and organisations to gain the skills and knowledge, build alliances and relationships, and/or test new types of activities, with a view to developing longer-term responses to underlying causes of social and economic inequalities that increase the vulnerability and marginalisation of LGBTI people. In short, the Fund supports work of the LGBTI movement towards socio-economic justice for LGBTI communities.

By socio-economic justice, we mean the removal of obstacles and oppressions which disproportionately worsen the social and economic conditions of already marginalised populations. This includes – but might not be limited to – rights that states have accepted as necessary for individuals and groups to live sustainably in dignity and freedom within a given society, such as education, housing, work, health, and an adequate standard of living.

In 2023, we launched two programmes under the No One Left Behind Fund:

  • The first programme (No One Left Behind-II) is to support and strengthen the work of LGBTI organisations and groups in Europe on socio-economic justice for the racialised LGBTI communities, namely the work that addresses the impact of intersectional stigma and discrimination on socio-economic rights and conditions of living of the racialised LGBTI people. Learn more about the call for applications here.
  • The second programme (No One Left Behind-III) is to support and advance the work of organisations and groups in the European Union on rising LGBTI homelessness, namely the work that focuses on collaboration across Europe, research, advocacy and alliance-building. Learn more about the call for applications here.

In 2024, we launched the second iteration of No One Left Behind programme dedicated to support work with racialised LGBTI communities. This programme continues our commitment to providing funds and support for the part of LGBTI movement that addresses intersectional impacts of injustice, racialisation, racism and supremacy, and specific harms affecting the lives of racialised LGBTI communities across Europe.

In 2025, we launched the third cycle of No One Left Behind’s Working with racialised LGBTI communities towards justice programme aimed to strengthen organisations run by racialised LGBTI activists and deepen solidarity with racialised LGBTI communities. Learn more about the call for applications here.

Project supported under No One Left Behind Fund (2023-2025)

No One Left Behind II:

Working with racialised LGBTI communities towards socio-economic justice

This is a 12-month programme that supports and strengthens the work being done by and for racialised LGBTI communities in Europe. The programme runs from 1 June 2023 until 1 June 2024.

We support 10 organisations who work with and for racialised LGBTI communities in Europe. The organisations come from 8 countries (Albania, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, France, the UK). All organisations are run by racialised LGBTI people and/or meaningfully and consistently engage racialised LGBTI people in their organisational structure.

Our support is designed as a combination of grants for their projects and regular peer learning. This programme brings an exciting opportunity for us to establish new connections and partnerships with the underfunded and underrepresented but vibrant part of the movement who does important work on the intersection of socio-economic justice and anti-racism.

The type of work that organisations are implementing under this programme is diverse and ranging from work with/for refugees in migrants centres, raising awareness about the lived realities of Roma LGBTI communities, self-organising working class racialised LGBTI people living beyond capital cities in a suburban Pride, collaborating with service providers to improve access for racialised queer communities to mental health services, and create safe spaces for racialised trans people accessing health services, to name a few.

Projects under this programme are supported through funding made available by the European Commission and Global Equality Fund.

The organisations and projects we support under this programme:

No One Left Behind III:

Working towards socio-economic justice: addressing LGBTI homelessness in the European Union

This is a 12-month programme that enhances and advances the work of LGBTI organisations addressing LGBTI homelessness in European Union. The programme aims to sustain the vital work of understanding the root causes and forms of LGBTI homelessness and advocate for improving access of LGBTI communities to services and housing. The programme runs from 1 July 2023 until 1 July 2024.

We support 5 organisations who come from 4 countries (Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Spain). Our support is designed as a combination of grants for their projects and regular capacity building and peer learning. The projects we support focus on data collection, advocacy efforts, and collaboration between sectors, systems and services in addressing LGBTI homelessness.

We believe that having a small group of organisations with a strengthened experience in the area of LGBTI homelessness will bring new learnings and insights that can be shared with a wider movement and benefit other organisations who are at the beginning of their work on homelessness in their respective countries. 

Projects under this programme are supported through funding made available by the European Commission.

The organisations and projects we support under this programme:


Working with racialised LGBTI communities towards justice

This is a 12-month programme that addresses the intersectional impact of injustice, racialisation, racism and specific harms affecting the lives of racialised LGBTI communities across Europe by supporting and strengthening the work being done by and for racialised LGBTI communities in Europe. The programme runs from 1 June 2024 until 1 June 2025.

We support 11 organisations led by racialised LGBTI communities in Europe. The organisations come from 7 countries (Austria, Germany, Netherlands, France, Spain , Sweden, the UK).

Our support is designed as a combination of grants for their projects and regular partner meeting to create spaces for the groups to exchange and build connections.This programme brings an exciting opportunity for us to continue our sustainable support for some of the organisations that we have worked with under NOLB-II programme and establish connections and partnerships with racialised LGBTI groups who are new to us.

The work of these groups highlights the structural nature of intersectionality, brings to light many interconnected oppressions and reveals the ways they interact to produce specific harms. By continuing our support for this part of LGBTI movement, ILGA-Europe want to recognise the effort and knowledge it takes to address intersectionality, strengthen organisations run by racialised LGBTI activists, and deepen solidarity with racialised LGBTI communities.

The type of work that organisations are implementing under this programme is diverse: working with/for refugees and asylum seekers, doing digital activism, artivism and community empowerment, forging collaboration with white and other allies, mobilising Black trans sex workers, improving access for racialised queer communities to mental health services, creating safer spaces for racialised trans people accessing health services, to name a few.

Projects under this programme are supported through funding made available by the European Commission.

The organisations and projects we support under this programme:

To find out more about our Socio-economic Justice programmes, contact our Senior Programmes Officer, Nadzeya here.